Responding to Fukushima Risks – Pacifica Radio

Your Own Health & Fitness
Layna Berman in conversation with EON’s Mary Beth Brangan & James Heddle
Broadcast 1 pm – 2 pm PST, Nov. 12, 2013, KPFA Radio on Pacifica Radio
Archived here:

As of this airing, Fukushima oceanic contamination continues & may be perpetual. There are 300 tons of radioactive water per day pouring into the Pacific. The plant still emits 10 million becquerels per hour into the atmosphere.

Michio Aoyama, a senior researcher of marine chemistry at the Japan Meteorological Agency’s Meteorological Research Institute, estimates that 30 billion becquerels of radioactive cesium and another 30 billion becquerels of radioactive strontium continue to leak into the outer ocean every day.
Radioactive ocean dispersal travels both on the surface and on sub-surface currents. The radioactive plume will eventually disperse throughout entire ocean system, with heaviest concentration on West Coast.

There is a massive cover-up by TEPCO, Japanese & U.S. governments, the global nuclear industry & compliant establishment media. Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has no incentive for adequate management of the crisis.
The incompetent TEPCO plans to begin removal of volatile fuel rods from damaged and teetering pool in November – ‘most dangerous engineering project in history.’
There are increasing calls for international effort of expert oversight and intervention. Independent fallout monitoring is imperative.

Layna and her guests, discuss the situation and what can be done to monitor the radiation and mitigate its impact on public health.

For more information…

EON sites:
EON’s YouTube Channel
On FaceBook – EON-Ecological Options Network
On Twitter EonNewsNet

Information, Networking & Organizing

Fukushima Response Campaign on FaceBook – Mobilizing a global effort to fix the escalating nuclear catastrophe in Japan
Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network
Pacific Awareness Group – Vancouver Nuclear Preparedness – 15 Steps to Nuclear Preparedness
Green Action Japan – Working for a Nuclear Free Japan

Nuclear Guardianship Project – Joanna Macy – Three Dimensions of the Great Turning

NukeFree petition – Please sign this petition – only takes a few sec. And pass it on. Thanks!

Citizen Monitoring – Networks & Tools
Safecast is a global sensor network for collecting and sharing radiation measurements to empower people with data about their environments.

Radiation Watch
Radiation Watch is a group to learn about geigers, to post geiger readings, to educate yourself on the units of measurement on geigers.

Nuclear emergency Tracking Center
– Mission is provide free radiation monitoring information from private and government sites to the public.
International Radiation Monitoring Stations – Australia
NOTE: A lot of evidence points to Government run monitoring systems in Japan, USA and Europe being manipulated to protect the Nuclear industry. High detections are explained away by equipment malfunctions, or they just turn the monitoring equipment off during an event.

Environmental Radiation Data Report No 150 – PDF

Greg’s Lab – California radioactivity monitoring map

International MedCom, Inc. – Radiation measuring instruments for citizens & professionals

Nuke News sources: – Harvey Wasserman, Editor – Paul Gunter says “We are all downwind”

Nuclear Information and Resource Service – NIRS

Fairewinds Energy Education – Arnie Gundersen – Christina Consolo – Insider information about Japan
Enformable Nuclear News
EnviroReporter -Radiation Food Lab

Can Vitamins or Herbs Help Protect Us from Radiation?

What You Should Be Doing Now to Protect Yourself from Nuclear Radiation

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