Help Stop a Telecom Coup Attempt
Cities throughout California are joining others across the country in opposing a fast-tracked mass build-out of radio-toxic ‘small cell’ 5G millimeter wave antennas being pushed by the telecommunications industry and its captive regulatory agency, the Federal Communication Commission.
Encourage your city or county to join the fight. Here’s why and how.
Antennas at every 4th to 12th House – various sized bases up to refrigerator-size on every block?
The Telecom industry says “Get out of our way!”
Across the country, city governments are saying, “NO”
… to bring you this urgent message from Ellie Marks, indefatigable activist and founder of the California Brain Tumor Association:
Tell California State Senators “NO” on SB 649
SB649 will streamline placement of 5G small cell Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) on electric and light poles in front of businesses and residences. This bill eliminates local control and jurisdiction in regard to small cell distributed antenna systems (DAS) placement throughout the state of California. SB.649: Wireless Telecommunications Bill Read more at Oppose CA
California Bill SB 649 is at the Governance and Finance Committee right now.
Please write and/or call the senators and tell them to vote ’NO’ to CA Bill SB 649.
In addition , please write on their twitter account.
Your comments will be perpetually in cyberspace and everyone will see it.We need many people to show up at the hearing on April 26, 9:30am, Room 112 at the Sacramento Capitol.
We will meet at Starbucks at 8:30 am on 4/26/17: 1123 12th St/L St., Sacramento, CA 95814I am going to Sacramento for this on April 26. If anyone wants a ride please let me know- or perhaps we can all take the train together. This is a major power play by industry to put 5G wherever they want it and they are the only ones that truly benefit from this. We must stop this bill.
Please distribute this to your mailing lists. If people do not reside in CA they can still write to the legislative directors and/or the Senators on the committee.
Legislative directors emails:
Senator McGuire-
Senator Beall-
Senator Nguyen-
Senator Lara-
Senator Hernandez-
Senator Hertzberg-
Senator Moorlach- senators emails are in this format-
Excellent points are included below. Basically 5G will need antennas and boxes every 4-5 homes and will be in the public right of ways- they will even have fake mailboxes with 5G equipment on them. This is very powerful microwave radiation and we do not want it outside our homes and offices. Russia has banned it and replaced it with fiber optics.
The California League of Cities is opposed to SB 649 but it passed unanimously through the first committee.
See Phone Numbers Below.
SenatorMike McGuire (Chair) – 2nd Senate Dist — North Coast/North Bay,
State Capitol Rm. 5061, email:, Phone: 916-651-4002SenatorJanet Nguyen (Vice Chair): 34th Senate Dist — NW Orange County,
State Capitol Rm. 3048, email via website portal, Phone: (916) 651-4034SenatorJim Beall:15th Senate Dist — Including cities of San Jose, Campbell, Cupertino,
State Capitol Rm. 2082, email via website portal Phone: (916) 651-4015SenatorEd Hernandez: 22nd Senate Dist — San Gabriel Valley communities
State Capitol Rm. 2080, email via website portal, Phone: (916) 651-4022SenatorRobert M. Hertzberg: 18th Senate Dist — San Fernando Valley
State Capitol Rm. 4038, email via website portal, Phone: (916) 651-4018SenatorRicardo Lara: 33rd Senate Dist — LA & LA County-various cities
State Capitol Rm. 5050, email via website portal, Phone: (916) 651-4033SenatorJohn M. W. Moorlach: 37th Senate Dist – Much of Orange County
State Capitol Rm. 2048, email via website portal, Phone: (916) 651-4037Points to help you draft letters, make calls and/or give testimony at the hearing, provided are some sound bites for you to give to the Governance & Finance Committee:
- Taking away property rights will result in lowered property value
- Lowered property value will then lead to lowered property tax revenues
- US NTP $25 million dollar study proved RF emissions from 2G causes DNA breaks, cancers of the brain and heart.
- Over 220 international scientists have sent an appeal to the WHO that RF emissions are already out of control, and this statement was made two years ago.
- Increase in health care costs due to growing health problems amongst the population
- Lowered productivity at work due to negative health impacts from the increased wireless radiation exposures
- Lloyd’s of London and Swiss Re, two major insurance companies of the world, will not cover medical expenses incurred due to exposure to electromagnetic radio frequency radiation (EMR) (i.e. cellphones, wifi, cell tower, antennas, DAS, IoT devices, smart meters, etc.)
- Environmental devastation from loss of oxygen producing foliage due to damage of trees and vegetation from EMR exposures
- Environmental devastation from astronomical increases of approximately 124,416 lbs. of CO2 per city every day, or 1.6 trillion lbs. of carbon per year nationwide emissions from powering up the 5G DAS infrastructure 24/7 (and this does not include the carbon footprint created from all the other IoT network and clouds)
- Fiber optics is the best and only solution. They are energy efficient, less vulnerable to shut down due to EMP or hacking, and do not create hazardous RF emissions that cause damage to health and the environment
- Russia has denied 5G rollout in their country. Instead, they are utilizing fiber optic cables to deliver the internet to every private resident.
If you have any question please email Mark at
A Threat to Us All
For the growing numbers of electro-sensitive people in our population, adding the 5G antenna network to the current electro-magnetic soup in which we already live would intensify it into a living nightmare. For the rest of us, it would speed our joining their ranks. The 5G antenna rollout would combine all other frequencies currently being used for wireless devices (3G, 4G) plus unlimited bandwidth for the Telecom vision of wirelessly connecting everything such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and driverless cars. Despite industry and government denials and cover-up attempts,independent research data shows conclusively that man-made radiation, much stronger than natural background radiation, disrupts human beings and other living creatures, since we are electro-chemical beings exquisitely tuned to the natural environment.
The attached pictures show the true size of the base of some of these so-called ‘small’ cells. Placed every four to twelve houses and in rural areas, even more frequently, these antennas represent a huge intrusion into our common space. There would be no escape, not even in our homes, not even in rural areas. All living things would be effected.
80 Ohio cities filed suit against Ohio because of the passage of Senate Bill 331 that, as one Mayor put it, “… effectively prohibits cities from regulating the placement of wireless facilities in our communities. This will impact the streetscapes of our communities and reduce area property values.”
But danger to local democratic choice and property values pales in relation to the dangers to public health and safety posed by these boiler plate bills that are being pushed in various versions state-by-state by the telecom industry. The California clone bill now before the legislature is SB 649.
In California the growing municipal push-back already includes the City of San Francisco, the California League of Cities and the Marin County Council of Mayors and Council members and Santa Cruz County (as of April 12.)
OPPOSITION: (as of April 4, 2017)
American Planning Association
CA Chapter of the American Planning Association
California State Association of Counties
City of Buena Park
City of Chino Hills
City of Citrus Heights
City of Cloverdale
City of Dublin
City of Hayward
City of Indian Wells
City of Lafayette
City of Laguna Beach Mayor
City of Lakeport
City of Lodi
City of Murrieta
City of National City
City of Nevada City
City of Norwalk
City of Point Arena
City of Roseville
City of Santa Clara
City of Santee
City of Thousand Oaks
City of Vista
EMF Safety Network
Ecological Options Network
League of California Cities
Marin County Council of Mayors and
Northern California Power Agency
Protect our Local Streets Coalition
Rural County Representatives of California
Scientists for Wired Technology
Town of Danville
Town of Hillsborough
Urban Counties of California
An Individual
Why Resist?
Ecological Options Network opposes this bill because it would fast track wireless radiation antenna deployments in our neighborhoods and communities, remove all regulations protecting public and environmental rights, thwart public participation and expose us and all lifeforms to exponentially increased harmful radiation.
The telecommunication industry, like the tobacco industry, still denies the scientifically established effects of their product. That the Dept. of Defense uses the same frequency as 5G in their crowd control weapon belies that denial. The ‘Active Denial’ weapon directs a beam of 5G – like millimeter waves that cause unbearably intense burning pain.
5G millimeter wave technology is scientifically shown to affect humans, penetrating the skin and affecting all biological systems.
(Thanks to Nina Beety)
Microwave radiation is a Class 2B – possible — carcinogen according to the World Health Organization IARC, but last year the NIH National Toxicology Program found cellphone radiation caused cancer. The NTP released final peer-reviewed results that 1 in 12 male rats – 8.5% — developed malignant brain tumors, malignant heart tumors, or precancerous lesions when exposed to wireless radiation for only two years, 9 hours per day. Ken Foster of the industry association Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) said he
Ron Melnick. now retired who led the NTP study’s design team, said,
Then, in March,
Now a new report says that the state of California may have kept information about the cancer risk secret. This is significant because it comes from a government agency and it mentions radiation and its harmful effects. It also mentioned that children are more susceptible to the effects of radiation.
A lawsuit by a director of UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health forced the release of this public advisory.
Research has previously found cancer clusters around cell towers, up to ¼ mile away. Wireless radiation is associated with breaches in the blood-brain barrier, DNA damage, changes in the blood, heart rhythm disturbances, neurological, cognitive function, and immune impacts, cancers and tumors, migraines, and insomnia.
The League of California Cities opposes SB-649. They describe it stating, “This proposal unnecessarily and unconstitutionally strips local authority over public property and shuts out public input and local discretion by eliminating consideration of the aesthetic and environmental impacts of “small cells.”
How to Oppose this bill (thanks to Lena Pu and Nina Beety)
California Bill SB 649 is at the Governance and Finance Committee right now. Please write or call the senators and tell them to vote ’NO’ to CA Bill SB 649. In addition to writing and/or calling, please write on their twitter account; your comments will be perpetually in cyberspace and everyone will see it. And we need as many people to show up at the hearing on April 26, 9:30am, Room 112 at the Sacramento Capitol.
Anton Favorini-Csorba is the consultant writing the legislative analysis of SB 649 for the Senate Governance and Finance Committee. Written opposition is due as soon as possible so that he can include the names of groups and entities opposing SB 649 in the analysis; absolute deadline is next Wednesday, April 19. If you have arguments you want considered in the analysis, send him the info asap.
You can also send it to You have to create an account first.
A copy should also be sent to the author of the bill as a “courtesy” — in this case, Sen. Hueso.
Senator Mike McGuire (Chair) 2nd Senate Dist — North Coast/North Bay, State Capitol Rm. 5061, email:, Phone: 916-651-4002
Senator Janet Nguyen (Vice Chair) 34th Senate Dist — NW Orange County, State Capitol Rm. 3048, email via website portal, Phone: (916) 651-4034
Senator Jim Beall 15th Senate Dist — Including cities of San Jose, Campbell, Cupertino, State Capitol Rm. 2082, email via website portal, Phone: (916) 651-4015
Senator Ed Hernandez 22nd Senate Dist — San Gabriel Valley communities, State Capitol Rm. 2080, email via website portal,Phone: (916) 651-4022
Senator Robert M. Hertzberg 18th Senate Dist — San Fernando Valley, State Capitol Rm. 4038, email via website portal, Phone: (916) 651-4018
Senator Ricardo Lara 33rd Senate Dist — LA & LA County-various cities, State Capitol Rm. 5050, email via website portal, Phone: (916) 651-4033
Senator John M. W. Moorlach 37th Senate Dist — Much of Orange County, State Capitol Rm. 2048, email via website portal, Phone: (916) 651-4037
Send your comments also to your State Senator which you can find here: Type in your address and city.
To help with your letters, calls and/or public comments, here are some sound bites relating to the Governance & Finance Committee.:
– Taking away property rights will result in lowered property value
– Lowered property value will then lead to lowered property tax revenues
– Increase in health care costs due to growing health problems amongst the population
– Lowered productivity at work due to negative health impacts from the increased wireless radiation exposures
– Lloyd’s of London and Swiss Re, two major insurance companies of the world, will not cover medical expenses incurred due to exposure to electromagnetic radio frequency radiation (EMR) (i.e. cellphones, wifi, cell tower, antennas, DAS, IoT devices, smart meters, etc.)
– Environmental devastation from loss of oxygen producing foliage due to damage of trees and vegetation from EMR exposures
– Environmental devastation from astronomical increases of approximately 124,416 lbs. of CO2 per each city with populations over 35,000 every day, or 1.6 trillion lbs. of carbon per year nationwide emissions from powering up the 5G infrastructure 24/7 (and this does not include the carbon footprint created from all the other Internet of Things (IoT) network and the storage clouds.)
– Fiber optics is the best and only solution. Fiber Optics are energy efficient, not prone to hacking, and do not create hazardous EMR emissions that causes damage to health and the environment
Also Tell City of Sacramento ‘No’ to 5G pilot program:
Please send letters of opposition to the proposed rollout of 5G pilot program in the City of Sacramento by writing to:
1 Darrell Steinberg Mayor, City of Sacramento
2 Maria MacGunigal Chief Information Officer, City of Sacramento
3 Head of Planning Department, City of Sacramento
4 Joyce Terhaar is Executive editor and Senior Vice President, Sacramento Bee
Thank you so much for your care and involvement! We need to band together and not let our homes, city, state and country be bullied into relinquishing our constitutional rights to health and safety and well being!
EMF Safety Network and Ecological Options Network sent this letter in opposition to SB-649 author Sen. Hueso.
Here is a sample letter for Sen. McGuire:
Dear Senator Sen. McGuire,
I respectfully oppose SB-649. This proposal unnecessarily and unconstitutionally strips local authority over public property and shuts out public input and local discretion by eliminating consideration of the aesthetic and environmental impacts of “small cells.”
The attached pictures show the true size of the base of these so-called ‘small’ cells. Placed every four to twelve houses and in rural areas, even more frequently, these antennas represent a huge intrusion into our common space.
It is unthinkable that telecommunication corporations would be exempt from municipal considerations. This would be a huge concession of public rights to corporate desires held by no other industry.
SB 649 intends to minimize costs for the telecom corporations, yet it could dramatically lower real estate value for those homes on whose premises the antennas are forced. This in turn, would lower the tax base for the locality and negatively effect overall municipal and county income.
The increased extensive use of transmitting radios for this 5G rollout can also affect overall costs from climate chaos. Calculations of the additional electrical power needed to run such huge numbers of additional transmitting radios show that at least 1.6 trillion more pounds of CO2 would be added each year nationally.
The telecommunication industry, like the tobacco industry, still denies the scientifically established effects of their product. That the Dept. of Defense uses the same frequency as 5G as a foundation for their ‘Active Denial’ crowd control weapon belies that denial. The Active Denial weapon directs a beam of 5G – like millimeter waves that cause unbearably intense burning pain.
5G millimeter wave technology is scientifically shown to affect humans, penetrating the skin and affecting all biological systems.
There is no substantial evidence to support SB 649’s determination that the deployment fits the CEQA exemption. There is substantial evidence in support of a fair argument that the project would indeed create environmental impacts.
SB 649 goes too far by requiring local governments to approve “small cells” in all land use zones, including residential zones, through a ministerial permit, thereby shutting the public out of decisions that could affect the aesthetics of their community and the quality of their environment.
Please oppose SB 649.
Thank you!
[your name]
Thanks for taking action!