Legal Documents

Following are PDF download links to 4 documents currently in process at the CPUC regarding ‘smart’ meters.

1. Proposed Decision of the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) re the EMF Safety Network’s Application to the California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) for a moratorium on wireless ‘smart’ meter installation, pending a full, open public hearing on wireless technology health hazards.

“This is the proposed decision of Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) Sullivan. It will not
appear on the Commission’s agenda sooner than 30 days from the date it is mailed. The Commission may act then, or it may postpone action until later.
When the Commission acts on the proposed decision, it may adopt all or part of it as written, amend or modify it, or set it aside and prepare its own decision. Only when the Commission acts does the decision become binding on the parties.”

2. Comments Of EMF Safety Network on the Proposed Decision of ALJ Sullivan Granting Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Motion to Dismiss the EMF Safety Network’s Application

3. Comments Of The CPUC’s Own Division Of Ratepayer Advocates (DRA) on the Proposed Decision Granting Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s Motion to Dismiss the EMF Safety Network’s Application

4. Comments of Pacific Gas And Electric Company in Support of Proposed Decision of ALJ Timothy Sullivan Granting Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s Motion to Dismiss the EMF Safety Network’s Application