Close Down California’s Nukes?
In the wake of the ongoing Fukushima disaster, growing numbers of Californians are beginning to seriously push for the closure of the four nuclear reactors all located in earthquake and tsunami zones at Diablo Canyon and San Onofre.
On Oct. 11, 2011 a forum on the issue was held in San Clemente, the town closest to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), operated by Southern California Edison, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) and jointly owned with the city of Riverside. San Onofre has the worst safety record and the most safety violations of any nuclear power station operated in the U.S.
An accident at San Onofre would impact the eight million people living from Los Angeles to San Diego and beyond. Evacuation would be impossible.
In a program co-organized by San Clemente Greens and, members of the City Council and a capacity audience of citizens listened to and questioned a list of speakers including Dr. Helen Caldicott ( IfYouLoveThisPlanet ) and nuclear power expert Arnie Gunderson (Fairewinds) (on live video feed).
The final speaker was Daniel Hirsch of, nuclear expert and nuclear policy lecturer at UC Santa Cruz.
Days later the City Council unanimously voted to approve a staff report that made strong recommendations to deal with the many safety issues with SONGS and its radioactive waste. [See evacuation map and Nuclear Issue – City Council Unanimously Votes to Stand With Us on Most Concerns (except for immediate shutdown)
Here is what Hirsch had to say in two parts – Presentation and Q&A.
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