EON Solstice Report to Funders – 2011


Help keep EON on the net and catalyzing effective grassroots action.

We’re not called the ‘C-Span for the grassroots’ for nothing. If you’re on this list, you know how hard we work to keep a steady stream of citizen voices and useful information in a variety of media coming your way.

We’d appreciate your continued support – your contributions are tax-deductible.
Please check out the range of donation options for every budget on our Donation Page
Read on to find out what we’ve been doing the last six months with your help.

EON Addresses Key Issues
Since you last responded to our summer solstice appeal, we have – thanks to your generosity – been able to continue our work to help organize, inform and document effective grassroots activism on the following issues:

PG&E’s wireless ‘smart’ meter build-out agenda – our collective push back in PG&E’s service area is a trend-setting microcosm of growing national and international resistance to the corporate ‘smart meter’ agenda.

– EON & the CPUC – EON is an official party in California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) ‘Smart’ Meter Opt-Out proceedings in which, you may have noticed, PG&E – responding to public resistance and a public relations nightmare – has now signaled its willingness to allow customers to keep their analog meters…but at a hefty price. This is a move forward, but our people’s movement defending our health, privacy, security and safety from these class 2B carcinogen emitting meters is outraged at the thought of being forced to pay more to keep them off our homes.

For our update on this issue click here. The final CPUC ruling on an opt-out or opt-in plan may be made as early as mid-January. Meanwhile, we will continue to join forces with other parties in the proceeding to push for a total rollback of the stupid, ‘smart’  agenda.

Japanese mothers demand nuclear abolition.

Fukushima Support – and Monitoring Fukushima fallout – EON is part of the international movement in solidarity with Japanese resistance to nuclear power and with mothers working to protect their children against radiation. See our blog post ‘Quoth the Raven, ‘Livermore!”‘ EON is also part of the Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network, FFAN, pushing for transparent monitoring and reporting on the actual extent of radioactive pollution from continuing Fukushima radioactive emissions on the North American West Coast and beyond. Please see Fukushima Solidarity Movement Grows – A Planetary Issue for a report on some of those activities.

Closing California’s nukes at Diablo Canyon and San Onofre – both of them on earthquake faults in tsunami zones: Fukushimas waiting to happen. EON is an organizing member of the Nuclear Free California Coalition, which has so far held two organizing summits. Please see out blog post NUCLEAR RUSSIAN ROULETTE IN CALIFORNIA – Dan Hirsch

Safety from Wireless Technologies: The growing movement building public awareness of and Congressional action on the dangers of escalating wireless pollution. Early next year look for our video of the recent Wireless Safety Summit Conference and Lobbying Day in Washington, D.C. organized by The Center for Safer Wireless. Speakers include Dr. Devra Davis, Dr. Martin Blank, Dr. Stephen Sinatra, Libby Kelley and EON Founding Board Member, attorney Jim Turner.

Prof. Martin Blank of Columbia University explains how radio frequencies impact our cells.

Dr. Blank's research explains the mechanism of harm to the human body from electro-magnetic pollution.

Moana Nui APAC Counter Conference – the EON team covered the International Forum on Globalization’s (IFG) launch of a new Asia-Pacific resistance movement in November 2011. IFG was a co-producer of Moana Nui 2011, Honolulu, three days of public events (and marches) in opposition to the APEC/TPP (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation/Trans-Pacific Partnership) trade agreement meeting of 21 heads 
of state as they worked to divvy up the resources and lands of the huge Asia/Pacific region from the indigenous people.

[For more info, click here and here.]
Our report and photo gallery of the event are here.

EON's Mary Beth Brangan interviews a protester, Honolulu, Nov. 2011

‘Dirty Electricity’ – the hidden dangers of wireless technologies, appliances and ‘smart’ meters – in addition to their RF emissions – is their ‘switching mode power supply’ (SMPS) components that are interrupting the electrical flow many times per second and causing high frequency transients and harmonics to infiltrate our household electrical wiring. See the first two of our series: Dirty Electricitiy 101 – Dr. Sam Milham

Wireless Resistance – Campaigned in our home village against telecoms push to add more wireless pollution in our immediate environment by adding more antennas to our local firehouse.

EON on the Web
Our increasingly popular blogEon3EMFblog.net – covers both wireless and nuclear issues. For example, check out our recent posts.

Last month we launched a new blog, Planetarian Perspectives.net designed to look at all the issues we cover through the lens of what we call the planetarian paradigm. It will be further developed through the coming year.

Our YouTube channel brings 1,423 subscribers (and growing) unique coverage of our main issue areas: e-smog and health; nukes; election protection; food, water & pesticides; clean energy and planetarian perspectives – with 24 new video posts since June.

Our website – EOn3.net – offers a wide range of DVDs and information on those topics, too.

Folks also follow us on our Ecological Option Network FaceBook page and our EonNewsNet Twitter page.

Please help support our work

We can’t keep doing it in these ‘austerity’ times, without your continued support. If you and each of our growing body of fans, followers and subscribers chip in by clicking the buttons below, it will not only keep us going for the coming quarter, but help us increase our effectiveness.

Isn’t it worth whatever contribution you can afford to keep EON’s services going? Please show us you ‘give a click’ for independent, grassroots media. We need your help more than ever NOW! Thanks!

Click here to find out more about who we are and what we do.

EON is a California 501 (c) (3) organization. Your contributions are tax-deductible.
Please check out the range support options for every budget on our Donation Page or you can also send a check made out to EON to EON, POB 1047, Bolinas, CA