Zooming in with PG&E's Peter Darbee

Real Time Pete
If what PG&E CEO Peter Darbee has said publicly about his company’s ability to spy is true, nobody should be surprised if there are PG&E moles in the ‘smart’ meter ‘insurgent’ google groups.

In his 8-17-10 ‘Thought Leader’ speech at the CPUC, Darbee had this to say talking about protecting the grid from terrorist hackers:
“But we can actually look in and determine at any point real time the threat level – at the level of activity of this nature – and we can zoom right in on homes and utility poles real time and see what’s going on. It’s pretty amazing.”

Doesn’t that make you feel better?
Here are the Darbee clips from his 8-17-10 ‘Thought Leader’ speech at the CPUC.

Peter Darbee at the CPUC – Pt.1

Peter Darbee at the CPUC – Pt. 2

The above quote is at 49:03;13 in Part 2