Like the West Marin County, California communities of Stinson Beach and Point Reyes Station (and growing numbers of communities around the state and the nation), the people of Bolinas are protesting and resisting PG&E’s technocratic totalitarian plan to install wireless ‘smart’ meters whether ratepayers and property owners want them or not.
This despite conclusive, peer-reviewed scientific evidence that long-term exposure to low-level wireless radiation causes such adverse human health effects as sleep disorders, irritability, short term memory loss, headaches, anxiety, nausea, un-reparable DNA damage, cancer, premature aging, Alzheimers, and heart palpitations, among many others.
Here is what happened when the EON video team tracked down a Wellington ‘smart’ meter contract installer at work in Bolinas.
When confronted, he fled…apparently on company orders.
Why not try a little video-the-SMeterMan resistance in your town. Send it to us. We’ll post it.
Like the Borg, PG&E would like us to believe that ‘Resistance is Futile.’ But we know from experience that Resistance is Fertile!
For more info:
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