As the massive public rejection of the ill-conceived, deceptively greenwashed, wireless ‘smart grid’ idea spreads across the country to the consternation of industry observers, Wellington, the company charged with installing PG&E’s so-called ‘smart’ meters in California, vacated its headquarters in Rohnert Park, CA in the dead of night rather than face outraged citizens protesting the violations of democratic process, property rights and public health and safety which the plan commits.
For more info:
This action followed on the heals of another outraged citizen/ratepayer blockade of Wellington’s ‘smart’ meter trucks in California’s Santa Cruz county, that shut down the operation for several days:
Protests Halt PG&E’s ‘Smart’ Meters for 3rd Day in a Row
by Joshua Hart
Monday Aug 30th, 2010 3:55 PM
For the third straight morning, outraged Santa Cruz County residents gathered at the gates of Wellington Energy at 38th and Portola in Capitola, successfully blocking what they say is a forced installation of radiating ‘smart’ meters against the will of residents and nearly two dozen local governments throughout the Greater Bay Area. This morning, about two dozen protesters gathered at the gates of Wellington Energy, peacefully blocking the driveway as trucks started to drive out to install the ‘smart’ meters. The Santa Cruz County Sheriff showed up and asked the protesters to step aside. Once it was clear that protesters were willing to risk arrest, PG&E backed down in order to avoid any additional negative publicity that is increasingly plaguing their ‘smart’ meter program.