California's Unnecessary Nukes – Barbara George

The State has an Excess of Generating Capacity WITHOUT San Onofre and Diablo Canyon.

Founder/Director of Womens Energy Matters describes her discoveries as a professional intervenor on behalf of the public interest at the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), private utilities’ resistance to energy efficiency, conservation and clean energy technologies in a state that already has an excess of power – without nuclear reactors.

This chart was developed by WEM based on official data.

Download full-sized PDF here.

SHUTDOWN ‘Preview Interviews’ are produced in cooperation with Womens Energy Matters. They include former nuclear executive S. David Freemen; Founder, Donna Gilmore; San Clemente Green co-founders Lauri & Gary Headricks; Emergency Response Expert Deanna Polk; Investigative Reporter Harvey Wasserman; Urban Planner Torgen Johnson; Founder Barbara George and others-to-be-posted. Stay tuned to this blog and our YouTube Channel here

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