Monthly Archives: December 2010

PiggyLeaks – PG&E Spies on Smart Activists

Cartoon by Brian Narelle

Three Bay Area Papers break the story. PG&E corporate espionage targets smart ‘smart’ meter ‘insurgents.’
It’s interesting that they refer to legitimately outraged citizens and ratepayers as “insurgents” which means they see themselves
as “authority.”

From Merriam-Webster:
insurgent – a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially : a rebel not recognized as a belligerent.

Did you ever have the impression that PG&E was the “civil authority or established government”?

The spy who emailed me…
by Ronnie Cohen
PG&E has turned over to a state regulatory agency hundreds of pages of emails detailing the utility’s employees spying on consumers protesting against wireless meters.
…”It’s beyond creepy,” said Sandi Maurer, moderator of a discussion group for the EMF Safety Coalition, an arm of the network.

The California Public Utilities Commission, which regulates PG&E, is investigating the spying.
PG&E documents reveal that snooping executive widely shared his findings
By Dana Hull
Despite PG&E’s earlier claims that he acted alone, a former executive who monitored online discussion groups by activists opposed to SmartMeters widely shared what he gleaned with other PG&E employees.

Internal PG&E documents turned over to state regulators and made available to the Mercury News on Monday also reveal that PG&E went beyond mere online monitoring. A series of e-mail exchanges show that PG&E sent an employee to monitor a SmartMeter demonstration in Rohnert Park in October. The employee, whose name was redacted, took at least four photographs of protesters, writing in an e-mail, “This is fun no one said ‘espionage’ in the job description.”
PG&E says infiltration of online group was limited
David R. Baker, Chronicle Staff Writer
The former Pacific Gas and Electric Co. executive who tried to infiltrate an online group of the company’s critics by using a fake name appears to have been the only company employee who did so, the utility reported Monday.

But PG&E reserves the right to monitor websites and discussion groups of people opposed to the company’s controversial SmartMeters – provided those sites and groups are open to the public, a company spokesman said. On at least one occasion, the company even told its meter installers to vacate a work yard that was going to be targeted by protesters after learning of the plan online.

“There are people who will continue to review these, as long as they’re publicly accessible,” said PG&E spokesman David Eisenhauer.

PG&E Fails Fairfax Wireless Sniff Test…Again!

Outraged Fairfax residents and City Council Members rake PG&E and CPUC representatives over the coals for the company’s and the agency’s refusal to deal honestly with scientifically-backed health, security and safety concerns regarding wireless technologies, or to pledge to continue to honor the city’s ground-breaking, local ordinance democratically declaring a moratorium on the dictatorial company’s forced installation of wireless ‘smart meters.’
[ Scroll down for video in four parts ]
Please remember, your contributions are what help keep us going.

Pt. 1 – PG&E Presentation

Pt. 2 – Public Comments – A

Pt. 3 – Public Comments – B

Pt. 4 – Council Member Comments

Scenes from a Shut Down

California’s Bellwether ‘Smart Meter’ Fight
Heats Up

The message?
A Wireless Grid Ain’t ‘Smart.’
For a Wise Grid, Put it in the Wires!

[ Scroll down to view video ]

Three determined women – two young mothers and an ecofeminist author – risk arrest demanding a moratorium on installation of smart meters and essential technical information describing exactly what the emissions are composed of that are making people sick. But PG&E refused to have police make arrests, people theorized, in order to prevent more publicity about the widely criticized meters and the health problems increasingly associated with them. Many PG&E customers are reporting headaches, dizziness, nausea, tinnitus and heart palpitations that began when the new wireless meters were installed. About thirty demonstrators from throughout the Bay area participated.

National Industry Eyes are on a Growing Movement
Protesters from a growing coalition of Northern California citizen and ratepayer groups opposing PG&E’s ‘no-opt-out’ forced installation of wireless gas and electric meters block the exit to Wellington, Inc., the meter installer’s truck yard, and close down a PG&E service center demanding answers to their questions concerning EMF exposure levels.

Wireless Ain’t ‘Smart’
Local, state, national and even international opposition to the wireless meter rollout – the largest in history – is growing as citizens, rate-payers and public officials learn more about the serious human health, safety, privacy, accuracy and national security risks associated with the un-tested, invasive, hackable wireless technology.

Wires Are Wise
Though corporations are green-washing the profit-driven program as “necessary to a planet-saving, energy-conserving so-called ‘smart grid,'” both cyber-security experts and the growing numbers of people with electro-sensitivity agree that wireless meters are not essential, would in fact make the ‘smart’ grid dangerous and vulnerable, and that it’s wiser to ‘put it in the wires.’
Taking the lead is a country like Italy, or a city like Chattanooga, Tennessee, which are pursuing the wise grid approach to the ‘smart grid’ concept using fiber optic cables, phone lines or power lines.
This is a cinema verite’-style montage of scenes from the action.

Outraged Citizens Denounce Head-in-Sand PUC's Punt to FCC

Neck-Deep in Denial…Head First
Turning a deaf ear to public concerns and a blind eye to scientific evidence of serious human health effects from wireless devices like PG&E’s so-called ‘smart meters,’ the CPUC voted 4 to 1 on December 2nd to deny an EMF Safety Network’s request for a public hearing on electro-magnetic exposure risks.
FCC radio-frequency ‘guidelines,’ based on out-moded last century’s science, are obsolete and irrelevant to today’s heavy electro-smog conditions
By abdicating its responsibility to safeguard public health and safety, the CPUC reveals itself once more to be a broken and compromised regulatory agency totally in the grip of the very corporations it is chartered to regulate in the public interest.
Its time to remix the Schwarzenegger/Peevey CPUC.
For news coverage and angry activists’ responses – PLUS the ‘Get Rid of Smart Meters’ song – please see videos below.