EON on the Radio – Where Democracy Meets the DNA
You can listen Spingola_1_102711_120000 and Spingola_2_102711_130000 to hours 1 & 2 of our recent interview on the Republic Radio Network’s ‘Spingola Speaks’ with host Deanna Spingola, an Illinois-based author and commentator who has been working hard in her popular broadcasts to focus public attention on the ‘smart meter’ issue.
In this, our second guest slot on Deanna’s program, during a week devoted to ‘smart’ meters on her show, we address ‘smart meter’ organizing strategies and successes in California, and the ‘Caught in the Radiation Pollution Cross-Fire Phenomenon.’
This is the potentially synergistic effects of chronic exposure to both ionizing (nuclear) radiation – like the on-going emissions from Fukushima – and non-ionizing (electro-magnetic) radiation – like from cell phones, antennas, cordless phones, wi-fi and ‘smart meters’- all of which can cause double-strand breaks in the DNA of humans and all other living things. Double strand DNA breaks mean more chance for mutation, cancer or cell death and have impacts across generations.
We’re talking about our genetic future here, folks – the biological real ‘bottom line.’
Transcending Ideologies
Our work on cross-over issues like nuclear and electromagnetic radiation pollution – as well as on food, water, medicine and energy issues – has brought us in contact with a growing number of new friends who self-identify as being on the ‘right,’ conservative or Tea Party members.
We find this delightful as we mutually agree to put aside knee-jerk reactions to some of the elements in our respective worldviews that don’t exactly jibe (to put it mildly) and focus together on the values, perspectives and objectives on which we CAN wholeheartedly agree. Anyway, how boring to only speak to those who think exactly alike and how exhilarating to expand perspectives in every direction.
[For a stimulating discussion of this approach, please see Voice of the People: The Transpartisan Imperative in American Life, co-authored by EON Founding Board Member, Jim Turner. ]
[For an interview with Turner on The Integral-Political Imperative,click here.]
We are pleased to count friends of both the Tea Party and OWS persuasions who are uniting in their opposition to mandatory wireless ‘smart metering.’
We reckon whether you believe the ‘smart meter’ build-out is being imposed on the public by:
‘UN Agenda 21’ would-be globalizing elite rulers bent on depopulating the planet of ‘useless eaters’ in the name of ‘sustainability;’ or
Technocratic sociopaths bent on creating a ‘prison planet’ police state of total wireless Big Brother surveillance; or
Telecommunications profiteers bent on wringing a short-term take from a long-term string of ‘un-intended consequences.’ i.e., destruction of our public health and biospheric gene pool; or ….
Just one of the most idiotic, incompetent, ill-considered and irresponsible management and regulatory decisions in the history of corporately-captured governance,
…that our combined resistance is fertile.
Whatever your reason for seeing that the lemming-like rush over the wireless ‘smart’ cliff is actually The New Stupid, we think you’re on the right track.
You can listen Spingola_1_102711_120000 and Spingola_2_102711_130000. Let us know what you think, and what you decide to DO about it on your own home turf.
In transpartisan solidarity,
Mary Beth & Jim
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