Tag Archives: antenna

UPDATED – HE DID! – Demand Gov. Brown veto the SB 649 telecom industry coup in California!

California: Gov. Jerry Brown vetoes bill easing permits on cell phone towers

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We’ve only got a few more days to urge Gov. Brown veto this seriously dangerous bill!  Please take action! He has until 10/15 to sign or veto the bill.

Click here or on the link below to have EMF Safety Network send a postcard from you urging veto to Gov. Brown.

Listen to the RADIO AD from the California Alliance for Safer Technology regarding SB 649. This radio ad was created by Doug Wood and supported by CAST and CA-BTA.  It has been and continues to air statewide:

Mercury News Editorial: Gov. Brown, veto the bill that lets rich telecoms use public property practically free – September 26, 2017

The California Legislature wants to give telecom companies a nice big gift: at least $30 million a year, and perhaps billions of dollars in savings at the direct expense of cities that both rely on the money and use their current leverage to negotiate improved coverage for poor neighborhoods.
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