
Below are several information and organizing tools you can download for free, print and share with your communities, neighbors and networks. They are available in PDF or JPEG file formats. Scroll all the way down for the ‘Do Not Install SmartMeter Here’ notice to sign and post on your meter.

The first one is designed as a counter-top stand-up explanation panel for display with the two-sided handouts below.

Click here for a PDF copy of Why Be Concerned

Click on the image to save as a JPEG

The next two pairs of images are designed to be printed on a single sheet of presentation paper or card stock and cut in half for posting and distribution. Please note that the ‘No SmartMeter Here sign must be signed by the property owner.

Click here for a PDF version of SignSideA7ThingsToDo2

Click on the image to save as a JPEG

Click here for PDF version – SignSideBNoSmeterHere

Please note that the this sign must be signed by the property owner.
Click on the image to save as a JPEG
