Stop the Telecom Rip-Off –
Take Back the Fiber Optic Cable Infrastructure We’ve Already Paid For!
Breaking as we post:
Controlling 5G: A Course in Obstacles – “Every person deserves to be informed about what’s happening“
Head of NOAA says 5G deployment could set weather forecasts back 40 years. The wireless industry denies it. – Government agencies are at an impasse on how to proceed.
‘5G ties uncovered’: RT America’s Rick Sanchez on what’s behind NY Times hit piece
5G likely to mess with weather forecasts, but FCC auctions spectrum anyway – FCC auctions 24GHz spectrum despite likely interference with weather satellites.
Utilities Warn FCC About Impact of 6 GHz Wi-Fi Effort – Say sharing proposal is untested and threatens mission critical communications
Trump’s FCC Chair Accused of Betraying Public Interest Mandate by Backing T-Mobile/Sprint Mega-Merger ‘He “seems to take smug pleasure in being a blatant telecom shill.”‘
FCC Sued in Breaking Telecom Accounting Scandal (see below)
Reports and Videos on the Growing Public Resistance to 5G:
Keep Our Children Safe! 5G Crisis Day of Action May 15
Report by Vicki Sievers, Event Co-ordinator for the May 15 5G Crisis Day of Action in San Rafael, CA
AMERICANS FOR RESPONSIBLE TECHNOLOGY initiated a National Day of Action to focus attention on the health crisis threatening the well-being of our children, ourselves and the environment.
5G-small-cell technology gravely alarms scientists, physicians, privacy / surveillance experts and ordinary citizens.
Dr. Martin Pall, PhD: “5G is vastly more dangerous than what we already have . . . all the industry claims about safety are completely and utterly wrong.”
Dr. Ronald Kostoff, PhD: “. . . a major contributing factor to the onset of myriad serious diseases . . .”
Dr. Ronald Powell, PhD: “It would irradiate everyone, including those most vulnerable to harm from radio-frequency radiation: pregnant women, unborn children, young children, teenagers, men of reproductive age, the elderly, the disabled and the chronically ill.”
Despite the rain, San Rafael’s Downtown Plaza Rally focused on keeping our children safe from 5G harm was attended by several dozen people from Marin, S.F., and as far away as Lake County.
Participants carried signs, called to passersby, listened to five compelling speakers (bios attached), gathered copies of informational brochures, cards and articles, and shared concerns and actions with others. Some won copies of the films Generation Zapped and Take Back Your Power, or The Non-Tinfoil Guide To EMFs and The Wireless Elephant in the Room, two of many informative books published in the last several years about the dangers of wireless radiation.
Marin IJ reporter Adrian Rodriguez attended the entire event, and his story appeared the next day (p.3). Rodriguez has covered several telecommunications-related meetings in central Marin this past year. While he reports proceedings competently, for “journalistic balance” he chooses to quote industry (and captured entities such as the CDC) without quoting any expert voices from the volumes of science demonstrating evidence of 2G-3G-4G harm or expert warnings about 5G.
Several readers educated about non-ionizing radiofrequency radiation (RF) have written to Rodriguez or the IJ editor about this particular story. These communiques have been pointed and thoughtfully crafted, but perhaps the most attention-getting I’ve seen is one from Ellie Marks, Director of the California Brain Tumor Association and one of our rally speakers. Download PDF
See also: We need to know more on health effects of 5G
Bonnie McMurray, left, and Christine Tulis, both of San Anselmo, rally against the implementation of 5G cellular networks during a protest on Fourth Street in San Rafael Tuesday. They were among more than three dozen people who turned out to listen to anti-5g speakers and display signs at San Rafael City Plaza. (Alan Dep/Marin Independent Journal)
What about nationwide action on May 15? UC Berkeley’s Dr. Joel Moskowitz lists rallies across the nation on his website, and will continue to update. Note the preponderance of California activity!
5G Day of Action Explained: Because we are facing a 5G crisis, Americans For Responsible Technology is planning a nationwide Day of Action on May 15th, calling on wireless companies (Verizon, Sprint, AT&T and T-Mobile) and their sub-contractors (Crown Castle, ExteNet Systems and other antenna installers) to suspend the deployment of small cell wireless antennas in residential neighborhoods until such time as chronic, low level exposure to 5G radio-frequency (RF) microwave radiation can be proven completely safe. While there are many troubling aspects to the wireless radiation problem, this event concentrates on the impact of chronic radiation exposure on children.
Children are uniquely vulnerable to environmental exposures, particularly those that can affect the developing brain and increase the risk of cancer.
. Americans For Responsible Technology mission: “We are committed to promoting new technologies that protect the health, safety, security, privacy and property values of our fellow Americans.” See full statement and more here: San Rafael rally organized by affiliate organization EMF Safety Network and local residents. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT 5G:
Groups and locations nationwide can be found here:
5 G The Doctors Speak Out
Video by Ginger Souders-Mason
May 15, 2019 a rally to stop 5G technology was held in San Rafael, CA. Three Marin physicians came forward to present reasons this technology should never be deployed.
A Researcher Speaks Out
The March 25th Tucson, AZ Town Hall Meeting featured electromagnetic researcher Magda Havas, PhD. Here is her presentation and some questions from the audience.
A Call to Action on the 5G Crisis
Rally Address by Mary Beth Brangan, Ecological Options Network, EON
In order to most effectively change the situation for us and our children as described by our Doctor speakers, we need to look at the context within which all these health challenges are happening.
Transnational capital managers have decided that the next push for the global economy will be through the wonders of dense microwave and millimeter wave technology. They see dollar signs multiplying wildly at all the potential applications – driverless cars, the Internet of Things, distance surgery, augmented reality and virtual reality. We, on the other hand, see the potential disruption of the bio-electrical basis of all forms of life.
With the planned 20,000 5G satellites from space, all the planet will be covered by man-made radiation. There will be no place in the atmosphere surrounding the Earth and on the Earth, to escape it.
In addition, NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration , NASA and the Navy, have complained that predicting the weather will be negatively impacted by the 5G frequencies being auctioned off by the FCC. Their concerns have been rejected. The rain today illustrates the importance of that point – because we KNEW it was coming, we could prepare for it. The use of the disputed 5G frequencies for communications, would mask the ones currently used for forecasting water vapor, rainfall, ice or clouds, effectively removing important information in the weather models so we’d be less able to proactively prepare for weather. With extreme weather events, a loss of prediction accuracy can mean more lives lost.
A few days ago, the New York Times followed by the Wall Street Journal published a rabid attack on those of us who are concerned about the health and safety threats from 5G, accusing Russia of convincing us of the dangers through their TV show Russia Today or RT. For economic warfare, they claim, Putin is the one who is stoking our fears of 5G! If you think 5g is a bad idea, you’re a Russian shill.
The reality is that the science showing damaging effects of wireless radiofrequency radiation is becoming even stronger and many more people know about it. To dismiss those scientists who have concerns about this matter as a minority group, as the New York Times does, does a grave disservice to science and to our children.
The truth is that the NYT is in a joint venture with Verizon for what they are calling a 5G Journalism Lab that was announced in January of this year. Verizon and other telecoms also regularly pay the NYT for full-page color ads. The article slandering those concerned about 5G didn’t acknowledge any of that blatant conflict of interest, or that of its board of directors or that the major shareholder of the NYT, Carlos Slim, made his multi billions through telecommunications. Be on the alert for other articles like this spreading disinformation and lies.
Then there’s the telecoms denial about the health effects, though they’ve been in possession of thousands of studies showing serious harm since the 1970’s and before. Historically, science in this field in the U.S. has been dominated by funding from the military and the telecom sector. Therefore, the established “Safety guidelines” primarily take into account the needs of the military and telecom industry, and their representatives sit on the various committees that establish what is and what is not accepted science. This is despite the fact that the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer decided in 2011 that EMF is “possibly carcinogenic” to humans. Many independent scientists now believe that classification should be changed to probably carcinogenic or definitely carcinogenic.
The big telecoms also are fleecing us customers financially. Beginning in the 1990’s they’ve been allowed to raise rates to specifically provide us with the faster, more energy efficient, more healthy, more secure, more fire resistant fiber optic cable directly into the business, home and school.
Telephone ratepayers have paid what forensic accountants estimate as $2,700.00 per line for this build out. However, as you know, they have not provided that superior shielded cable option, and are now in the process of forcing us all to be exposed to wireless radiation continuously, in our homes, businesses, schools, day care centers, health care facilities, etc. They also intend to eliminate the important copper wire. We would have no control over our own home environment and would be constantly barraged by wireless radiation.
Graphic – Angel Garcia/Bloomberg News
Public Resistance Grows
But there’s growing pushback – both here in the U.S. and globally.
There’s a groundswell of opposition, including halting the 5G rollout in Sydney, Australia. The Minister of Health in Brussels rejected 5G, stating she refused to treat her citizens as guinea pigs. Strong protests and calls for a moratorium against 5G are happening in Switzerland, Germany, Florence and parts of Rome, as well as in Canada and beyond.
Today, here in the U.S. there are at least thirty demonstrations in fourteen states highlighting the crisis of 5G, organized by Americans for Responsible Technology.
There are multiple bills working to protect the public in Massachusetts, and many efforts underway in other states and counties.
Our California Representative Anna Eshoo’s bill, HR 530 would void the FCC’s draconian new rules. Her bill has 46 co-sponsors but needs Republican support.
Please call Republican congressional reps in other areas and states and ask them to co-sponsor this important legislation that protects the authority of states, cities and counties to make land use decisions and manage the public right of way.
Six of the largest ten Cities in the U.S., along with multiple Counties, Mayors, Tribes and the NRDC have all filed lawsuits challenging the FCC overreach. They are making their way through the courts in San Francisco but probably will take some time to resolve.
Finally, a group of retired regulators, lawyers, forensic accountants and telecom analysts have also filed a lawsuit that challenges the accounting scandal that allowed telecoms to charge us all $2,700 per line for a relatively healthy fiber optic system and then didn’t deliver it.
This suit by the wonderfully named, Irregulators, needs your support. Please see the handouts that tell you how to help them help us fight against the FCC and telecom overreach.
We must come together to fight this! There are many ways to help. Get involved – get the information and spread the word.
Community Leaders Speak Out
Video by Ginger Souders-Mason
On May 15, 2019 a rally was held on the Plaza in San Rafael, CA organized by community leaders opposed to the rush to roll out 5G technology without first having safety studies. Two of those leaders came to the Community Media Center to further voice their concerns.
A Researcher Speaks Out
The March 25th Tucson, AZ Town Hall Meeting featured electromagnetic researcher Magda Havas, PhD. Here is her presentation and some questions from the audience.
FCC Sued in Breaking Telecom Accounting Scandal
A crucial lawsuit is being filed by a group called the Irregulators against the telecom-captured Federal Communications Commission, the FCC.
The crux of the suit is this: Telecoms have charged rate-payers across the country hundreds of billions of dollars to build what was called, nearly two decades ago, an ‘Information Super Highway’ based on a fiber-optic network.
Not only have the telecoms not delivered the already-paid-for fiber optic network to the inside of the premises, which they now owe the public, but they are currently planning to rip out the existing copper wire based landline networks, thus forcing customers into wireless service as their only choice. Copper wire sound quality is better than wireless, it’s less hackable, is energy efficient and often operates during emergencies and disasters when cell coverage fails.
As you know, wireless radiation is an extreme health and environmental threat, has inferior sound quality, is vulnerable to hacking, is an energy hog and is much less reliable in our increasingly prevalent natural disasters caused by climate change such as storms and fires.
But since it is cheaper for the telecoms to operate with higher profit margins, wireless is being forced upon all of us, though we’ve all paid already for the much superior fiber optic cable and should retain our trustworthy copper wires.
The forensic accounting done by this amazing group of principled current and retired regulators, lawyers and telecom expert analysts proves that all of us have already paid an estimated $2,700.00 extra per line for this missing fiber optic service! (In our case, because we pay for business lines, that means that we’ve already paid $5,400 for fiber optic to the router that we still haven’t got.) Plus our bills here in California have gone up astronomically as a result of this shady accounting.
The Irregulators already have won in NJ and NY courts and got $350- 500 million dollar settlements that force Verizon to install fiber optic cable and maintain copper wires in under served areas. A positive court ruling could extend that type of settlement throughout the country. They need to raise $50,000 asap to continue the case in the Washington, DC Circuit Court.
To recoup what we’ve posted before: Telecoms are currently pushing the build-out of a wireless ‘5G’ network. This means hundreds of thousands of wireless ‘small’ cell powerful microwave and millimeter wave antennas, placed along streets near homes, schools, playgrounds, apartments, businesses etc. Telecoms want to place them every 500 ft. or so, depending on the terrain.
Though these 4G/5G microwave antennae must use fiber optic cable to transmit the signal to the antennae, the plan is to make the final delivery to the inside of the premises by wirelessly blasting microwaves and millimeter waves into homes and businesses from only feet away. We’d be bathed in chaotic signals from various frequencies using different technologies blasted at us from a short distance 24/7. Ultimately, beam-forming technologies, combined with facial recognition, will assure everyone is always surveilled.
As we’ve explained in prior posts, in their rush for new markets from the densification of radiation from these harmful antennas, the bullying telecoms and the FCC are trying to force preemption of states, tribes, counties and cities legal rights to protect their residents’ health, safety and economy against this onslaught.
Together with the lawsuits already filed by the cities, counties, tribes, and NRDC challenging these preemption rules, the Irregulators legal challenge has the potential to decisively push back against the overreach by the telecoms and the FCC. The Irregulators suit could also prevent the disastrous attempt to remove all copper wire service as well.
from the article below: “…we believe that this proceeding, combined with what we have uncovered, could be used to help cities and states take back the infrastructure that they paid for..”
EON is the Fiscal Sponsor for this extremely important project.
This suit – when seen in conjunction with the litigation currently undertaken by cities across the country challenging the attempted usurpation of their authority – constitutes a much-needed public interest pushback against telecom and FCC overreach.
The Irregulators are fighting for the interests of us all. Please help them help us fight the FCC power grab!
Thank you
Mary Beth Brangan Jim Heddle
Co-Directors of EON
If you want your contribution to be tax deductible, you must
send a check to EON, memoed for the Irregulators, P.O. Box 1047, Bolinas, CA 94924
(only for donations over $100)
by Bruce Kushnick – a plaintiff
The IRREGULATORS are going to court on May 20th, 2019 to appeal a recent FCC decision that tries to bury one of the largest accounting scandals in American history. It is critical that the FCC be required to admit to the issues and then deal with the ramifications.
The FCC has allowed the telecoms to engage in accounting shenanigans and this impacts every current FCC proceeding, pricing at the state level for basic service and ultimately all communications services in America. It determines who gets high speed broadband, has led in part to the Digital Divide, controls what price we pay, and has been a major driver for the lack of serious competition for local transmission facilities and services.
We found a ‘structural flaw’ in every FCC decision. Appealing this case provides a way to attack virtually every current and past FCC proceeding that has given the store away to the telecoms, from Net Neutrality to copper retirement and 5G.
This case could also open up many state decisions, especially those created with the help of ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, which has created model legislation – written by AT&T and Verizon, then handed to their politician members to push through. We note that the FCC’s 5G regulations are based on an ALEC bill.
The FCC’s cost accounting rules were “frozen” to mimic the year 2000. The rules now assign the majority of all expenses to “intrastate” and basically force state commissions to raise basic rates, even though a huge portion of these expenses are related to activity that has little or nothing to do with basic residential landline service.
The FCC has purposefully refused to audit or investigate how their rules impacted basic local rates, or drove federal decisions in other cases. They have never even admitted the harm to consumers and competition.
The IRREGULATORS filed in this bizarre proceeding and exposed the whole charade. But the FCC once again refused to acknowledge the problem and extended the ‘freeze’ for 6 more years in December, 2018.
We have standing to take this appeal and the expertise in the legal, regulatory, and financial analysis areas. Our approach and data could make this case stick and if it does it will blow up the FCC’s entire collection of decisions and current proceedings using the structural flaw.
At the same time, we believe that this proceeding, combined with what we have uncovered, could be used to help cities and states take back the infrastructure that they paid for, including solving the Digital Divide and a new path for bringing back competition. The IRREGULATORS is an independent, expert Telecom Team comprised of senior telecom experts, analysts, forensic auditors, and lawyers who are former senior staffers from the FCC, state advocate and Attorneys General Office experts and lawyers, as well as former telco consultants. Members of the group have been working together, in different configurations, since 1999.
Be sure to include this important information in all May 15 events for the national day action against 5G! (use pdf below for handouts)