From Blowback to Pushback – Nix Nukes Now! – Digest 3-25-11

The Fallout is Blowback; Fukushima’s Reactors ‘Made in USA’:
[For update sources and fallout monitoring links, please scroll down. ]

Potential dispersion of the radioactive cloud over The Northern Hemisphere
These animations display a potential dispersion of the radioactive cloud (Caesium 137 Isotope) after a nuclear accident in reactor Fukushima I. The continuous release rate is very uncertain, thus the calculations have to be interpreted qualitatively. Dispersion in the near surface level (Level 1), in appr. 2500 m height (Level 12) and in appr. 5000 m height (Level 16).
The release rate is estimated as 1015 Bq/d. This is appr. one tenth of the Chernobyl release. This simulation is a so called “worst case scenario” with continuous release rate. The value of 0.1 Bq/m3 correspond to appr. one millionth of the concentration at the source. At distances more than appr. 2000 km away from the source, the concentrations are not harmful to health.
The simulation starts fictitious at 15.03. 00 UTC and will continue to run in order to demonstrate the intercontinental transport. When exact relaese rates are published we will restart the simulation with reliable values.

Ghosts return to haunt Indo-US nuke deal

How to Avoid our own Fukushima

Kill Nuke Power Before it Kills Us All!

Breach possible at troubled Japanese power plant

The Next Nagasaki – Nuclear Fears Stalk The World
Threat to the American Public

Big Oil Versus The Dangers of Nuclear Power

Stephen Colbert asks: “Are you an over-reactor?”

Chernobyl: A Million Casualties

Alexey Yablokov – ‘Worse Than Chernobyl’ press conference today – watch on C-Span

Definitive New Book on Chernobyl Catastrophe­—Review by Dr Rosalie Bertell, Ph.D.

NYT’s Reassuring Radiation Reporting

Radiation: Nothing to See Here?

USA Today ‘Debates’ Nuclear Power
Bob: I grew up in his home state near one of the country’s oldest nuclear power plants (the Connecticut Yankee plant), and in all its years of operation–like virtually every other nuclear plant in the world–not a single life-threatening event has occurred.

Cal: And you told me you used to swim in the warm water generated by that plant. No wonder you became a liberal!

Nuclear Fallout Comes With Aura of Arrogance

Forbes: A Pro-Nuke Strategy for Fukushima

KCRA California: Focus Shifting on Nuclear Power Video

Dr. Helen Caldicott on the New Chernobyl Audio

Japan Radioactive Iodine Releases May Exceed Three Mile Island by 100,000 Times
Institute for Energy and Environmental Research

Nuclear situation ‘grave and serious’

Public Momentum Builds Against Nukes

Update Sources
Helen Caldicott, MD
Bulletin of Atomic Scientists Daily update from Japan
Union of Concerned Scientists
All Things Nuclear – Union of Concerned Scientists
Tri-Valley CAREs – Communities Against a Radioactive Environment

Fallout Monitoring and Mapping
IVAN Monitoring
A network of volunteer community members
monitoring for radiation in the Western United States…
How to Participate in the Nationwide Radiation Network: If you want to join this nationwide grass roots effort to monitor the radiation in our environment, …
International Citizens Radiation Monitoring Network
Fallout Monitoring and Mapping
…”In the USA radiation has reportedly been detected, but the consistent official response is reassuring. However, Environmental Protection Agency monitoring data has vanished from the web. In Canada there remains no official public statement about the risk to Canadians of inhaling the contaminants. Official advice about At what dose might health effects occur? is bland and misleading. The real answer is that no dose is safe, and Plutonium and Uranium are very dangerous if inhaled or ingested, even though assessed “doses” might be very low. At present we have no way of knowing whether these elements are reaching the west coast of the Americas….”

Modélisation de la dispersion des rejets radioactifs dans l’atmosphère
Japan crisis prompts at-home radiation checks
Japanese nuclear crisis boosts interest in at-home radiation monitoring
Fallout simulation: Austrian meteorological service
EPA’s mapping
UC Berkeley’s radiation monitoring page
EPA deploys more radiation monitors to the West Coast
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Please remember, your bite-size contributions on our Donate Page are what help keep us going. You can also send a check made out to EON to EON, POB 1047, Bolinas, CA