As video journalists and public educators who have been researching and reporting on electro-magnetic pollution and human health issues for over a decade, we continue to be dismayed at the ignorance, confusion, disinformation and active denial that surrounds this topic.
This is in part because of ‘paradigm lag’ – scientific paradigms are notoriously resistant to change, as Thomas Kuhn famously showed in his The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.
But it is also largely the result of well-funded corporate attacks on independent science. As epidemiologist David Michaels shows in his recent book Doubt is Their Product: How Industry’s Assault on Science Threatens Your Health, the generation of corporate-funded PR disinformation campaigns and junk science has grown into an industry itself – the so-called ‘product defense industry.’
Standard Playbook
Here’s the game, rigged from the get-go: Proponents of a given technology don’t have to prove its safe (which they can’t); Opponents have to prove its harmful (which is an uphill battle, given industry PR budgets and paradigm lag). So, if you’re a professional doubt producer, for every study that indicates evidence of harm, create a study that debunks it, then get it in the New York Times or the Washington Post as an ‘opinion’ piece. Once the impression is created that “Oh, well, there’s science on both sides. Guess its just a matter of personal belief,” the Doubt Mongers have won.
That gambit worked with pesticides. It worked with asbestos. It worked with cigarettes. It worked with climate change. It seems to be working with new nukes (despite TMI, Chernobyl and Fukushima. And it seems poised to succeed with wireless and electro-magnetic pollution. It works, that is, until the karma runs over the dogma and the evidence – in the form of irrefutable epidemiological disease and ‘excess deaths’ data – begins to pile up.
Together with the ‘revolving door’ corporate capture of regulatory agencies and control of the dominant communication media, the result is to deny the public the right to know, and to make informed, democratic decisions about the deployment of technologies virtually impossible…until its too late. That’s the state of play with wireless pollution today.
EMF Health Protection is a Social Movement
The Dogs of Doubt and Confusion have been unloosed on the independent researchers and journalists who are laboring to break through the fog of official and industry denial – just as they were against the pioneer truth-tellers on the issues mentioned above. And again, just as in the case of those issues, a grassroots social movement is on the rise to support those on the front lines with political action. It’s goal: democratic, not corporate, control of technological deployments. It is a campaign playing out in various forms in communities around this country and indeed, around the world.
The Real Bottom Line
There is a daunting list of serious human health effects associated with electro-magnetic radiation. But for many, the bottom line is this: wireless radio-frequency pollution – just like radioactive pollution – has been shown in replicated studies to be capable of causing irreparable damage to DNA.
DNA, Democracy and the ‘Wireless Revolution’
Beginning in 2000 with the release of our award-winning broadcast documentary Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy and the “Wireless Revolution,’ we have stayed current with emerging research and have had the honor to know personally and to interview some of the leading independent researchers in the field from around the world, as well as cover numerous legislative hearings and professional presentations on the subject.
Living Proof
We also know personally many cell phone brain cancer survivors and folks suffering from the medical condition known as electro-hyper sensitivity (EHS) and are in the process of documenting their heart-breaking stories. We know the health risks are real and its part of our mission to help spread the word.
For the convenience of our subscribers and viewers we have assembled those interviews and reports here in one place. Scroll down to scan the full playlist. We hope you will find it useful and that you will share the links with others and help spread the word on this vital public health and safety issue. These, and additional posts are also available on our YouTube Channel in the Electro-Magnetic Health Protection playlist.
James Heddle and Mary Beth Brangan
Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy and the ‘Wireless Revolution’ Can microwaves alter our brains and DNA? Released in 2000, Public Exposure is the first – and still definitive – independently produced investigative report on this key issue, the human health dangers of Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) from cell phones & cell towers… and what we can do to protect ourselves. Broadcast on LinkTV and in constant use by community groups and concerned citizens around the world, with thousands of DVD copies sold, we now make the authorized one-hour version of Public Exposure available on-line for the first time. DVD copies are available for purchase here: First Place award, EarthVision Film Festival. Co-Produced by EON’s Mary Beth Brangan and Libby Kelley of the Council on Wireless Technology Impacts – Directed and edited by EON’s James Heddle.
Leading Austrian medical researcher Prof. Franz Adlkofer coordinated the REFLEX study of EMR bioeffects funded by the European Commission. The study’s conclusion: High frequency electro-magnetic fields damage genes and gene function. He tells how telecom interests attempted (unsuccessfully) to discredit the study and destroy the careers of its authors and publishers.
Dr. Henry Lai, the first researcher to show double-strand breaks in DNA caused by exposure to electro-magnetic radiation (EMR), talks about the many peer-reviewed studies showing harmful health effects from long-term exposure to low levels of EMR.
Dr. Om Gandhi, a pioneer researcher in the bioeffects of EMF exposure, explains why the recent explosion of wireless devices has made existing US EMF exposure ‘guidelines’ dangerously outdated.
Dr. David O. Carpenter, Director of the Institute for Health and the Environment at SUNY Albany, lays out the evidence for the serious human biological effects of electro-magnetic field exposure from electric power lines, cell phones and wi-fi technology summarized in the BioInitiative Report ( ), which he helped produce. This is a companion piece with our popular interview with the Report’s editor, Cindy Sage, which has chalked up over 20,000 views. Interviewer Mary Beth Brangan. Camera and edit James Heddle.
Dr. Martin Blank, PhD, Associate Professor in the Department of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University, College of Physicians and Surgeons, talks about the inadequacy of current standards for electromagnetic exposure from cell phones and other electronic and electrical devices. He explains the significance of breaks in DNA that cell phones are proven to cause, emphasizes the dangers to children, and compares giving kids cell phones to giving them power saws. Interviewed by EON’s Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle Please check the EON store for DVD’s on this topic. For more information:
EMF Exposure Sufferers Tell Their Stories In this press conference, Josh Hart, Director of Stop Smart Meters, introduces three people from various walks of life who have become electro-sensitive by being exposed to radiation from wireless technology. Their moving stories indicate the dangers to public health and safety of the unregulated, untested deployment of electro-magnetic technologies like PG&E’s so-called ‘smart’ meters. For more info:
This is an abbreviated re-post – This press conference followed a program on cellphone health risks at the San Francisco Commonwealth Club. Cellphone cancer victims tell their personal stories and those of their lost loved ones. Speakers include: Dr. Devra Davis – Epidemiologist, Founder –; Bret Bocook – Attorney, cellphone cancer survivor – California; Cristin Prischman, cellphone cancer widow – Illinois; Craig Farver, father of cellphone cancer victim; Stuart Cobb, cellphone cancer survivor – Maine; Mindy Brown, widow of cancer victim Coach Dan Brown; Ellen Marks, wife of cellphone cancer survivor Alan Marks. For more info:;;;
Reducing Cell Phone Risks: The Porto Alegre Declaration & the Precautionary Principle. Professor Alvaro Augusto de Salles. Ph.D. is an electrical engineer with the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS in Porto Alegre, Brazil, where he researches ways of reducing the dangers of electromagnetic exposure from cell phones and wireless devises. Porto Alegre is not only the birthplace of the World Social Forum. It is also a pioneer in the enactment of local laws protecting the public from the serious health effects of cell phones and electro-smog. Dr. de Salles talks about the technical and legal measures which are currently available to reduce EMR health risks, but which are being suppressed and opposed by telecom corporations. He outlines the measures already taken by Porto Alegre and the recommendations contained in The Porto Alegre Declaration, a document signed by international scientists advocating the Precautionary Principle. Download a PDF at: Interviewed by EON’s Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle Please check the EON store for DVD’s on this topic:
Reducing Cell Phone Risks with Dr. Alvaro Augusto de Salles Part 1 of 6 Antennas and Health Risks Alvaro Augusto A. de Salles, PhD, Professor at Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS in Brazil talks about the documented health risks of EMR exposure from cell phones, base stations and wireless devices and how they can be reduced through wise engineering practices and science-based regulation.
Lloyd Morgan is an electronic engineer by training, a member of the Bioelectromagnetics Society (see and a volunteer with the National Brain Tumour Foundation (see Since 1995, when he recovered from a brain tumor, he has devoted himself to the study of electromagnetic fields and health problems. He has attended, and sometimes presented at, multiple science meetings each year including, among others, those of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, the Neuro-Oncology Society, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and the Brain Tumor Epidemiology Consortium. Lloyd Morgan’s Cellphone Research Column is available here.
Cindy Sage, environmental consultant, talks about The BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF), which she editied with a team of international scientists. They document serious scientific concerns about current limits regulating how much EMF is allowable from power lines, cell phones, and many other sources of EMF exposure in daily life. The report concludes the existing standards for public safety are inadequate to protect public health. Find out more at:
Dirksen Senate Office Building Capital Hill, Washington, D.C. Sept. 14, 2009 Appropriations Subcommittee. on Health & Human Services Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa – Chair Sen. Arlen Specter D-Pennssylvania Sen. Mark Pryor D-Arkansas Pt. 1 of 3 – John Ducher, Assoc. Dir. National Institutes of Health Nat’l Toxicology Program
Testimony from an international panel of scientists: Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski STUK Radiation & Nuclear Safety Authority – Finland Dr. Siegal Sadetzki – Cancer & Radiation Epidemiology Dir. Chaim Sheba Medical Center – Israel Linda Erdreich – Senior Managing Scientist Exponent Engeneering & Scientific Consulting Dr. Devra Lee Davis Author, ‘The Secret History of the War on Cancer” Olga Naidenko – Senior Scientist Environmental Working Group
Pt. 3 of 3 Q & A between the Senators Harkin and Specter and the international panel of scientists: Prof. Dariusz Leszczynski STUK Radiation & Nuclear Safety Authority – Finland Dr. Siegal Sadetzki – Cancer & Radiation Epidemiology Dir. Chaim Sheba Medical Center – Israel Linda Erdreich – Senior Managing Scientist Exponent Engeneering & Scientific Consulting Dr. Devra Lee Davis Author, ‘The Secret History of the War on Cancer” Olga Naidenko – Senior Scientist Environmental Working Group
The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation An Environmental Health Trust educational panel presented October 11, 2010 in Berkeley, CA. at the Jewish Community Center East Bay, with Senior Research Fellow Lloyd Morgan, Director of Government and Public Affairs Ellie Marks, and Founder and world renowned expert Dr. Devra Davis, author of ‘Disconnect.’ In this segment Dr. Davis reviews the evidence of serious health effects from chronic exposure to cell phone radiation. Support the Environmental Health Trust’s efforts to protect children’s brains. Donate your time to the Campaign for Safer Cell Phones • Sign up at • Educate and motivate parents, children, teachers, government, and business leaders about protecting themselves and their families Donate financial support at • Develop model tool kits for state and local officials • Provide training on safer cell phone use • Conduct cutting edge research
CANCER CALLING – Pt. 2 – Lloyd Morgan
The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation An Environmental Health Trust educational panel presented October 11, 2010 in Berkeley, CA. at the Jewish Community Center East Bay, with Senior Research Fellow Lloyd Morgan, Director of Government and Public Affairs Ellie Marks, and Founder and world renowned expert Dr. Devra Davis, author of ‘Disconnect.’ In this segment, electrical engineer, researcher and brain cancer survivor Lloyd Morgan looks at ‘Cellphones: What Does the Epidemiology Tell Us?’
The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation An Environmental Health Trust educational panel presented October 11, 2010 in Berkeley, CA. at the Jewish Community Center East Bay, with Senior Research Fellow Lloyd Morgan, Director of Government and Public Affairs Ellie Marks, and Founder and world renowned expert Dr. Devra Davis, author of ‘Disconnect.’ In this segment radiation health activist and wife of a cell phone brain cancer survivor Ellen Marks tells of her work and that of the Environmental Health Trust to protect public health in the face of industry denial and government irresponsibility.
Dr. Magda Havas shows the strong evidence for electrosensitivity and the health risks of electromagnetic exposure caused by electrical appliances and the spread of wireless technologies. For more info:
The Microwave Syndrome [Download PDF] Analysis of all the world scientific studies on effects of hyper frequencies on humans :
A – Contrary to the messages commonly conveyed by some people, no one study in the world has been able to prove the harmlessness of electromagnetic radiation from microwaves on human beings.
B – Most scientific studies to date that are not entirely or partially financed by telecoms (including the wireless industry and mobile phone operators) not only show biologic effects, but also the so called health effects on living beings, and therefore on humans.
See also:
Mobile Phone Safety – The real truth about the hazards,
told by independent scientists in a language everybody can understand. Presented by: Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology (PSRAST)
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