Chernobyl Consciousness – Three Womans' Stories

A Legacy of Lessons Not Yet Learned
Members of a three-woman delegation from the former Soviet Union, on a U.S. tour with the support of the Center for Safe Energy to share the lessons of Chernobyl, tell how they came to be international campaigners for a nuclear free world.

HARD DUTY – A Woman’s Chernobyl Story
Natalia Manzurova is one of few surviving ‘liquidators,’ or nuclear workers sent into deal with the Chernobyl aftermath by the Soviet government.

LEARNING From CHERNOBYL – A Sociologist’s Journey
Dr. Natalia Miranova is a sociologist, former Duma legislator and a leading international campaigner for nuclear abolition.

COPING with CHERNOBYL – A Psychologist’s Journey
Tatiana Mukhamedyarova is a psychologist-turned-activist who serves as a translator for the international nuke free movement as well as sharing her understanding of the psychological impact of ‘post meltdown stress.’

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