Author Archives: James Heddle

Roll Out the Fiber…All the Way to the Premises – Updated

Photo Credit: CPUC

Action needed before May 22!  Developments are unfolding behind closed doors in the state legislature. Stand by for updates as they are revealed.

The Wireless industry is pushing two bad bills through the California legislature.  Both bills attempt to speed up deployment of harmful 5G antennas that would irradiate very close to homes, schools, medical facilities, etc. You could be affected whether or not you subscribe to any wireless service. 

These bills could override good State and Federal government policies that support the safer, faster, more secure and improved technology of fiber optic all the way to the premises of homes and businesses.  Actions to take follow the article, and will be updated.

By James Heddle, Mary Beth Brangan – EON.  –   Cross-posted on Substack

National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA)

“NTIA has determined that ‘Priority Broadband Projects’ are those that use end-to-end fiber-optic architecture. Only end-to-end fiber will ‘ensure that the network built by the project can easily scale speeds over time to … meet the evolving connectivity needs of households and businesses’ and ‘support the deployment of 5G, successor wireless technologies, and other advanced services.’”

California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)

“Legacy [transmission] technologies typically lag on speeds, latency, and other factors, as compared to more modern technologies like fiber.” CPUC – DECISION ADOPTING FEDERAL FUNDING ACCOUNT RULES

“Project technology choice … Fiber optic infrastructure is scalable and enables the next generation of application solutions for all communities. An application proposing to invest in fiber optic infrastructure will receive credit.” – CPUC Federal Funding Account Program Rules and Guidelines


Definitions and Background

The term ‘Broadband’ is defined by the American Heritage Dictionary as relating to data transmission that uses multiple channels so that multiple pieces of data can be transmitted simultaneously and is capable carrying a wide band of electromagnetic frequencies. 

Broadband is also another term for high-speed internet access.  It is defined by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) as a connection with at least 25 Mbps download speed and 3 Mbps upload speed.

Broadband signals can be transmitted wirelessly via electromagnetic signals from cell towers and satellites, or via DSL wires, coaxial cable, or optical fiber. 

Authorities agree that optical fiber currently provides the most reliable delivery system capable of accommodating constantly increasing transmission speeds much faster than the FCC’s minimum requirements, and is unmatchable by wireless transmission systems.

That’s why both federal and state regulatory and funding agencies prioritize fiber transmission from source ‘to the premises,’ without any involvement of wireless links, as indicated in the above quotations.

The Great Wireless Telecom Rip-Off

Telecom analyst Bruce Kushnick is a founding member of a group of former telecom insiders-turned-whistleblowers calling themselves The Irregulators.  In an article titled The Government and America have been Punked by AT&T, Verizon, et al, Kushnick documents in depth how the American telecom environment has been “captured by a few companies that have taken control over all communications in America — and now figured out how to get the government to reward them for not building out fiber optic networks to all areas of America.”

The essence of his revelations is that:

…Starting in the 1990’s … state telecom utilities were supposed to be upgraded to fiber optics, and state laws were changed to fund these deployments…. telephone customers were charged extra for this promised build-out.

… By 2010, the infrastructure construction budgets of the state utilities had been illegally transferred to wireless over the previous decade, and this deliberately left the copper wire-based infrastructure system throughout the entire state territory to deteriorate.

… Circa, 2000, Verizon and AT&T started to manipulate the accounting of expenses in the state utilities so that the major allocation of costs were put into one service category, the local phone service, artificially causing further rate hikes to customers.   They intentionally did NOT upgrade the rural and poor inner city areas with fiber, even though they had been paid to do so by the continuous rate increases. This wireless industry business decision caused the ‘digital divide.’

Kushnick states, “In the end, they control the wires and infrastructure, they control the prices and who gets upgraded — and they conned America…”

As we explain in this article, there is a real and present danger that the con will go on in California in another form as the wireless industry attempts a money grab of funds earmarked for fiber.

Fiber Über Alles – Wireless Broadband’s Last Stand

The Electronic Frontier Foundation recently made what many see as a happy announcement:

There is a lot to appreciate in the recently published “Notice of Funding Opportunity” (NOFO) by the Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA). It is arguably the first federal government proposal that seeks to promote infrastructure policies focused on the future, rather than the usual subsidizing “good enough for now” access. That means that the American government, or at least part of it, finally recognizes what appears obvious: that the future of internet access is in fiber.

That’s good news for corporations and electro-magnetic radiation (EMR) safety advocates who have long sought support for the concept of ‘fiber to the premises’ under the banner of Fiber to the People.

It’s bad news for advocates of outmoded, and environmentally polluting wireless transmission technologies including 5G.  The much-touted 5G has turned out to be not only toxic to humans and other living beings, but inefficient because of its vulnerability to being blocked by vegetation, buildings and even double panes of glass.  This serious inefficiency is being used as the justification for the expensive deployment of thousands of small microwave antennas every few yards in close proximity to people’s living spaces.  Ironically this system must still depend on an optical fiber foundation that could easily (but admittedly more expensive than wireless) be extended to each household and office, thus eliminating the supposed need for the wireless antennas.

The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) notes, “Governor Gavin Newsom signed Senate Bill 156 into law on July 20, 2021, investing $6 billion for broadband infrastructure for middle-mile and last-mile projects. This investment is part of a statewide plan to expand broadband infrastructure, increase affordability, and enhance access to broadband for all Californians.”

For once government officials, funding and regulatory agencies are doing the right thing in prioritizing optical fiber transmission all the way ‘to the premises.’  So, why does California have bills opposing these sensible policies?

2 Bills to Kill – Zombie Wireless Tries a Comeback

In California, this has motivated wireless pushers to launch a pair of pro-wireless bills in the Assembly that are now moving through the two houses of the state legislature that are already deluged this session with over 600 pieces of proposed legislation. 

This raises the danger that AB 965 and AB 1065 may squeak through without informed consideration by both overloaded lawmakers and a public unaware of the bills’ imprudent implications.

Both bills embody virtual fairy godmother wish lists for the inferior wireless transmission industry and represent attempted end-runs around local municipal and county elected decision-making authorities responsible for public safety. Together they would deliver a one-two punch to informed democratic policy making on this crucial issue.

Both trade on the current orthodoxy that speedy ‘broadband services’ – defined to include both wireless and ‘wireline’ (i.e., fiber) transmission systems – are essential for business, education, job creation and public safety.  This, despite the fact that, as Americans for Responsible Technology points out, “Wireless broadband is slow, expensive, unreliable, hazardous and cannot deliver the speeds required for next generation programs and services.”

As it is, the U.S. seriously lags behind other ‘advanced’ economies in internet access and speed. We have been put at great disadvantage commercially and are rapidly declining to ‘third world’ internet conditions.

In addition, both bills use benign-sounding catch phases like, ‘digital equity,’ ‘closing the digital divide,’ and inclusion of ‘under served areas’ to create a deceptive aura of humane egalitarianism around themselves.

Fast Track for Wireless Broadband

Assembly Bill 965 , Local Government: Broadband Permit Applications, is sponsored by Democrat Assembly Member Juan Carrillo.      The bill contains a definition of “broadband” that include both wireless and fiber optic as broadband, but the bill clearly favors wireless broadband projects.  It allows wireless providers to apply for cell tower transmitter permits in batches of up to 50. Each of these permit applications is about two inches thick each and is very complex, requiring careful scrutiny by city or county staff. If the applications are not dealt with by staff in a strictly designated time limit, they are deemed approved. Allowing batches of 50 applications under a ticking time clock for the staff is a clear attempt to overwhelm local decision makers and get large numbers of small cell wireless in place on a ‘fast track’ basis.  Despite its many deficiencies, broadband via wireless would be a fait accompli.

According to the Environmental Health Trust, the bill should be opposed because it:

1.     Exposes the state and local governments unnecessarily to industry liability and legal defense costs 

2.     It would set the state back in terms of climate change management because wireless is a huge energy waster compared to other technologies like fiber. 

3.     It increases costs to do business in California due to inadequate wireless speed, capacity, security, and safety compared with other technologies like fiber being rolled out in other states and countries.

We would add that it promotes investment in soon-to-be obsolete transmission technologies, thus failing to take advantage of current opportunity costs, which favor fiber.

Sidnee Cox, new Executive Director of the EMF Safety Network, puts it like this:

“CA AB 965 allows wireless companies to intentionally dump dozens of antenna applications on local governments at once, creating new and unreasonable permitting obligations.

  •  AB 965 will allow WIRELESS companies to submit up to 50 applications at one time, requiring local authorities to process and approve them according to the established FCC shotclocks. These batched applications will automatically be deemed approved if not acted upon within the prescribed time. Telecom companies have invested billions in wireless spectrum and intend to capitalize on their investments. Their goal is to build out their wireless networks as fast as possible!

  • AB 965 does not consider the reality of diverse needs inherent within local communities throughout California. Allowing 50 applications or more at a time will hinder local government’s efforts to protect the public health and safety. 

  • AB 965 is unnecessary. Local governments have already been working collaboratively with the industry and have improved processes while maintaining important local safeguards. Many cities have successfully created wireless ordinances that incorporate FCC guidelines while maximizing local control.

  • AB 965 is promoted as a solution to the digital divide. The truth is, wireless broadband, especially the kinds of basic services offered to low-income families, is notoriously slow, unreliable, and unable to meet the demands of present and future digital communications.”

Meet the Evil Twin

Assembly Bill 1065, Communications: California Advanced Services Fund,  is sponsored by Republican Assembly Member Jim Patterson.  Jodi Nelson of Californians for Safe Technology  points out that the bill, “is meant to divert funding from fiber projects and share this exclusive fiber funding with wireless projects.”

AB1065 challenges the CPUC’s rule-making on funding optical fiber broadband through the Federal Funding Account and argues instead for including wireless to be eligible for this generous $2 billion pot of funding.

The CPUC’s rationale for the FFA money distribution is that the most funding should be reserved for superior technologies.  They favor projects using fiber optic cables, which reliably provide greater speed capabilities and are much more likely to meet a user’s technological needs in the long run, even though wireless technologies are the quickest projects to deploy and are much less expensive to build than projects that require direct physical connections to a premises.

Americans for Safe Technology’s fact sheet on AB1065 is here.

Sidnee Cox of the EMF Safety Network – which opposes the bill – points out, “major Wireless companies don’t need funding! They have billions of dollars to use to back any project.  For instance: Verizon’s revenue in 2022 was $136.8 billion; T-Mobile’s revenue in 2022 was $79.57 billion; AT&T annual revenue for 2022 was $120.74 billion.  They’re just being horribly greedy.”

She goes on to explain,

CA AB 1065 is a government hand-out to the unregulated and highly profitable wireless industry.

·       AB 1065 will provide funding for the increasingly massive rollout of wireless installations and take it away from the much safer, more reliable, and energy-efficient option of WIRED internet connections. 

·       AB 1065 will allow WIRELESS companies to apply for FFA (Federal Funding Account) grants. However, this money was intended for last mile infrastructure.

·       CPUC regulators have determined that WIRED connections are technologically superior to wireless and will provide much better access for the unserved and underserved communities. “The Federal Funding Account, established by the CPUC according to Senate Bill 156, will fund last mile broadband infrastructure projects to connect unserved and underserved Californians with high-speed broadband service. The Federal Funding Account has a $2 billion budget made up of state and federal funds.”

·       Wireless will set our state back in terms of climate change management because wireless uses a huge amount of energy compared to WIRED fiber networks.

·       Wireless facilities placed in neighborhoods are shown to have a negative impact on property values.

·       Wireless facilities increase the risk of fires.

·       Wireless facilities seriously impact the growing percentage of the population with disabilities related to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) exposure. Over a thousand peer reviewed publications show wireless RFR causes many deleterious effects. In addition, government sponsored research has proven that exposure to  RFR causes cancer.

·       Wireless networks are more easily hacked than WIRED, costing Californians $2 Billion in 2022.

·       Fiber to the Premises (to each home or business) offers greater capacity, predictable performance, lower maintenance costs, and a longer technological lifetime than wireless technologies. Fiber service is not degraded by line-of-sight issues and is not affected by capacity issues.

Californians for Safe Technology’s Jodi Nelson reports that, the Utility Reform Network (TURN) supports the CPUC’s existing rules for FFA grants and opposes the bill, contending:

“Taxpayer funding should be used to invest in reliable and future-proof broadband wireline technology for unserved and underserved communities. This bill would further the Digital Divide because it would divert historic broadband investments to support fixed wireless, which suffers from established engineering-capacity limits and is unreliable because it is easily impaired by weather.”

Bill Allayaud, the Environmental Working Group’s representative in Sacramento, points out “The two bills work together. 965 is trying to overwhelm local [authorities] and get large numbers of small cell wireless in place and 1065 is an attempt to facilitate that.” 

You can keep up with development at the CPUC’s Broadband Implementation for California website.

10G Cometh – Fusion of Fiber Plus Cable will Render Wireless Broadband Transmission Obsolete

As announced by Xfinity and Comcast, plans are afoot that will combine the benefits of both optical fiber and existing coaxial cable infrastructures.  Such a fusion will predictably sound the death knell for wireless broadband transmission systems.

It seems clear that wasting opportunity costs on soon-to-be-obsolete wireless broadband transmission systems with proven environmental, economic and human health risks – as both these ill-considered bills advocate – rates a 10 on the Scale of Stupid and qualifies as A Really Dumb Idea.

As usual, California is a primary test target for policies like this because of the belief that ‘as goes CA, so goes the country.’ The corollary is, ‘if we can beat it here, we can beat it nationally.’

What You Can Do

If you live in other states, be on the lookout for similar initiatives close to home. If you live in California, express your opposition in writing and phone calls to your officials. 

Urge a NO VOTE on both these Bills!
TAKE ACTION before May 22

Contact your Assembly Member and Legislative Assistant.
In addition to their online “Contact me” form, send an email and make a call. 

To get the info for your assemblymember: 

Legislative Assistant list:

Flyer about the two bills jpg:

Find out more at:

“Please Vote NO on AB-965 and AB-1065” and give a few reasons. 

Sample Letters:


California Assembly Bill AB965 “Local government: broadband permit applications” allows wireless providers to apply for cell tower transmitter permits in batches of 50, and if not approved quickly enough according to the FCC shot clock, they are deemed approved automatically. Batch applications will overwhelm local governments. The bill has slipped through two California Assembly policy committees and is now headed to the Appropriations Committee, where it will likely be heard the week of May 22.

Note: The Appropriation Committee is focused on costs to state agencies, and no other concerns.

Right away, please write to the chair of the Appropriations Committee. Do this now or early tomorrow. Please do not wait until next week. THANK YOU!

Recipient line:  

Subject line: Oppose AB 965

Message/letter (Reword or personalize the basic message paragraph even if slightly)

The Honorable Chris Holden, Chair
Assembly Appropriations Committee
1021 O Street, Room 8220
Sacramento, CA  95814

RE:  AB 965 (Carrillo) – Oppose

Dear Chair Holden:

Because there are uncertain and poorly-understood impacts on human health and other biological and environmental impacts, allowing small cell facilities in mass could put local governments and even the state in legal jeopardy. Allowing installation of these facilities without proper scrutiny may result in lawsuits filed over new facilities located next to residences, senior housing, hospitals and schools. A very similar prior version of this bill—SB 649 in 2018— also attempted to fastrack wireless installations, but specifically small cell facilities. SB 649 actually exempted fire fighting facilities from the bill due to concerns about RF radiation, and was vetoed by Governor Brown. AB 965 is broader with respect to what it applies to, threatening to incur greater liabilities and costs.

Given the broadening of federal law and regulations, this bill is not necessary.


(Your name and city)


Dear Assemblymember (Last Name),

I am strongly opposed to AB965. Please do not pass this bill out of committee.

Expanding Broadband service is a good thing, But achieving that via expanding wireless radiation cell towers causes more problems than it fixes:

At a time when PG and E and has concluded that they need to commit to placing their network underground due to its propensity to create fires under the states dry and hot condition climate, suggestions for the creation of more above ground wireless antenna’s are counter intuitive at best, and reckless at worst.

It will cost the State of California more money due to pole failure and fires due to severe weather combining with this additional proposed above ground infrastructure.

And at at a time when power sources are bending under the weight of increased demand from the public, wireless uses much more energy than a broadband fiber network would use. In addition, there is no comparison between fiber optic cable broadband and wireless broadband in regards to both speed, reliablity, environmental safety, and security of communication.

Wireless broadband technology is a slow, expensive, and unreliable option that will saddle users with an inferior technology for years. Fiber to the premises is preferred by all experts and the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. We also urge you to consider strengthening the copper wire infrastructure, since ethernet connections, such as DSL, are also faster than wireless, and do not have the extremely detrimental health impacts associated with wirelessly radiated radiofrequency.

In addition, in August of 2021, the United States Court of Appeals ordered the FCC to throw out its antiquated safety guidelines created in 1996 (before there was 3G, 4G or 5G, and before there were so many different sources of wireless radiation permeating our environment, leading to greater and greater cumulative absorption of wireless radiation).

The result of this increased absorption has yielded a whole range of negative health effects, including everything from severe headaches and neurological damage, to steeply decreasing sperms count and sperm viability in men. This Federal case against the FCC was brought by the Environmental Health Trust, et. al., and was supported by over 11,000 scientific studies.

The 2021 US Appeals Court declared “the FCC’s failure to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that its 25-year-old guidelines adequately protect against the harmful effects of exposure to radiofrequency radiation unrelated to cancer, renders its decision capricious, arbitrary and not evidence based, in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act (APA).”

As one of the Plaintiff attorneys in the case, Dafna Tachover, Esq., noted, “This ruling from the second highest court in the country effectively stated that at this point in time it cannot be argued that the FCC guidelines are protective or that wireless and 5G are safe.  The Wireless Technology industry is proceeding as if this ruling never took place.” 

Technology companies don’t care that the State of California will be subject to countless litigation costs over its willingness to enter into a form of communication technology without established safety standards, as it ruins the health both slowly and quickly of thousands and thousands of California residents.

The aforementioned Appeals Court ruling also found that the FCC completely failed to acknowledge and respond to comments concerning the impact of RF radiation on the environment. It quoted a 2014 letter from the US Department of the Interior (normally a quite conservative department)  voicing concern that radiation from cell towers affects migratory birds and concluding that the FCC guidelines are 30 years out of date.

And that suggests still more litigation burdens for the State of California from environmental groups. 

For all of these reasons and more, we urge you to oppose AB 965. 

Your name

Get Informed: An Authoritative Study for more info:

For an in depth report on the advantages and promising future of fiber networks see, Dr. Timothy Schoechle, PhD’s  authoritative report, “Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks”  published by the National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy. Dr. Schoechle argues that, “The U.S. should Instead Invest in hard-wired telecommunications infrastructure tos economic growth, bridge the digital divide and diminish risks to security, privacy, public health and the environment.”


Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle Co-Direct EON, the Ecological Options Network, a tax-exempt organization focusing on electromagnetic and nuclear radiation safety issues. The EON feature documentary S.O.S. – The San Onofre Syndrome – Nuclear Power’s Legacy will be released later this year.


Webinar to Promote the European Citizens’ Initiative Project: “Stay Connected But Protected” July 17, 2022.



The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) Stop5G Project was launched in March 2022, and has one year to gather a million signatures from across Europe. If successful, the European Commission and Parliament will be obliged to address the proposals that the EU enact regulations to protect health, nature, the environment and privacy.

Safe Tech International hosted this webinar to help “get the word out” about this critical and potentially life-changing Appeal, and to ensure that the 27 European countries who collaborated on this effort, reach their goal of 1,000,000 signatures by March, 2023.

Continue reading

Help the Irregulators help us against the FCC and 5G!

This legal case against the FCC offers us an unparalleled chance of stopping 5G in its tracks.

The Irregulators, a team of senior telecom experts, are exposing in court the illegal accounting scheme to replace wired networks with wireless and make us pay for it!

This key legal strategy against the FCC needs our support!

PLEASE DONATE at this link to help continue their fight on our behalf.  It can help prevent the roll out of 5G. They need to be back in court July 22!

For more information, visit

The Background

  1.  Verizon, AT&T and other companies have illegally been using the construction budgets of the copper wireline-based (landlines) state telecommunications utilities to build out their wireless networks.
  2. Local phone customers have been charged inflated rates that have paid to help telecom companies build their networks – so that rate payers have been unknowingly subsidizing wireless services at the detriment of wired networks.  Landlines offer better sound quality and more reliability in emergencies such as fires and storms and are essential service for elders.  Landlines do not have the health and cyber risks of wireless communications.
  3. If these “cross subsidies” were removed – or repaid – then 5G would not be profitable.
  4. This shell game has given wireless companies enormous profits and has shown artificial losses for wired services. This has allowed telecoms to classify wired networks as unprofitable, to justify eliminating the superior copper-wired service and to force us into entirely wireless service!
  5. The telecoms have already charged rate payers (at thousands of dollars/line over two decades), to develop a fiber optic service, but didn’t deliver it to us as promised. Now they are attempting to charge us again for it but only giving us wireless service.
  6. Almost all these inaccurate and misleading financial practices were enabled by the FCC accounting rules.
  7. Exposing these “cross subsidies” and requiring the FCC to demand that telecom carriers fix them to accurately reflect the actual costs associated with each respective technology, could be a game changer.
  8. To add insult to injury, the companies have dumped billions per state of their ‘corporate operations expenses’ that should never have been charged. This is the executive pay, lobbyists, lawyers, golf tournaments and the corporate jets — and worse, these are the lawyers, lobbyists that are working to force 5G on us– we’re paying them extra to harm us!

The Irregulators: An independent consortium of highly regarded senior telecom experts, analysts, forensic auditors, and lawyers was formed to make the public aware of these manipulative accounting practices and take the FCC to task for allowing them at our expense. The group’s goal is to stop the practice of these subsidies and make wireless companies pay for the true cost of wireless, including the WIRED fiber optic networks which they rely on and have already been charging customers for, for two decades.

On June 3rd, 2019, the IRREGULATORS had a major victory when the FCC had the opportunity to but did not challenge their right to take this case and present it in the DC court, starting July 22nd, 2019. With this huge “win” behind them, now the group urgently needs financial support to take the case to trial and hold the FCC accountable for oversight of the telecom industry in an unbiased manner and secure our rights as rate payers.

PLEASE DONATE at this link to help continue their fight on our behalf.  It may help to prevent, or at least, slow the roll out of 5G. For more information, visit

FREE SUMMER READING:  Click here for a free PDF of “The Book of Broken Promises: $400 Billion Broadband Scandal & Free the Net”, the 3rd in a trilogy that started in 1998. The second book (and author) was featured on Emmy nominated Bill Moyer’s  PBS special, “The Net at Risk”, in 2006 the first national broadcast program on Net Neutrality. The author and book were also featured in Pulitzer Prize winner, David Cay Johnston’s “The Fine Print”, in 2012.


West Marin Action Alert, Victory! and more….

July 8, 2019 — By Mary Beth Brangan

Action Alert!

On July 9, the Marin County Board of Supervisors plans to consider an urgency ordinance and new policy regarding the installation of fifth-generation cellular wireless technology, commonly called 5G, in locations throughout unincorporated Marin within the public roads.

The Board has set a 1:30 p.m. session in the Marin County Civic Center Board chamber, Suite 330, in San Rafael. Residents will be able to attend, watch the webcast live or archived, or tune in on Channel 27 for Comcast and AT&T U-Verse subscribers. Read more

The draft has some strengths, but needs much work.  Here are comments made by EON suggesting changes and additions.

From: Mary Beth Brangan, Ecological Options Network, EON

Re: Draft Ordinance for “Small Cell” Installation  Many thanks to the sub-committee for this draft ordinance. I appreciate your work to protect your authority as elected officials and your citizens from the FCC overreach.  

Section 704 of the 1996 Telecommunications Act, that prohibits environmental (and claimed health effects, too) from being used to prevent the placement of any RF antenna is unjust and should be repealed.

You are aware of the amassed peer-reviewed science showing adverse health and environmental impacts from RF/EMF.  

I say this because, in a just system, to accommodate willingly the demand by the wireless industry to densify the RF/MMW antennae and therefore the RF/EMF exposure (classified as a 2B carcinogen) would be considered willful endangerment of the public. This assault on our right to health is an outrage.

 Here are a few recommendations for your consideration:

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1) First of all, since the FCC order may be overturned in court, we want to remind you about the suggestion from the legal firm, BB&K, who represents many in the case. They recommend that no FCC standards be incorporated into local law per se, in case the FCC order is vacated. So please make anything in the ordinance that would force the county to accommodate the wireless industry’s placing powerful antennae in close proximity to the public, conditional, pending the resolution of the legal challenges.

2) In order to most effectively protect the considerable number of people who have been sickened already by exposure to RF/EMF and whose disability is beyond a mere mobility handicap, such as medical metal, vertigo, cardiac problems and the broader scope of EHS, please add the language:

  • “The ordinance shall comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.”

 This broadens the legal application to include all the handicaps that ADA is intended to include. The ADA covers all disabilities that keep us from engaging in one or more major life activities. The County of San Diego attorneys recommend this language in order not to discriminate among disabilities. There are specific billing codes used by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for exposure to RF radiation and other non-ionizing radiation which definitely establish legal recognition of these conditions:

  • Billable – 0XXA Exposure to radiofrequency, initial encounter
  • Billable – W90.0XXD Exposure to radiofrequency, subsequent encounter
  • Billable – W90.0XXS Exposure to radiofrequency, sequela

This applies to everybody who is covered under Medicare and Medicaid and proves that, despite wireless industry claims, the existence of disability from exposure to RF/EMF is officially recognized. 

3) Because the legal challenges brought by the Cities, Mayors, Counties, etc. appear to be very strong against the FCC overreach, the wireless industry and the FCC have a plan B: the industry is proposing to use OTARD to offer licenses to private landowners to have the ‘small cell’ antennae on private property. Of course this would avoid the few legal rights established for the public: being informed about an application, having a public hearing and from setbacks and zoning requirements, etc.

We are very concerned that this will present incredible problems for those residents who may be damaged both from decreased property values (20% reduction or more) if in close proximity as well as from adverse health and environmental effects.  What legal remedy would be available to a neighbor adversely affected by an OTARD-listed 5G antenna on a nearby property?

4) Stealth design for antenna facilities is also a concern. People need to be able to protect themselves against unwanted exposure – pregnant women, children, the sick and elderly particularly.

  • The County should mandate signage to warn that one is within, for instance, 50 ft. of an antenna. This could help pregnant women, who want to act based on the Kaiser Permanente study that showed women most exposed to RF/EMF had three times greater chance of miscarriage. These ‘small cells’ have already been measured to emit very high 4G radiation, even more dangerous because they are so much closer to people.

5) Please prohibit antennas in residential zones. “Least preferred” will be ignored.

6) Studies show that adverse effects increase dramatically within a 1500 ft radius of an antenna.

  • All sensitive areas should be protected by a 1500 ft. setback: health facilities, parks/recreation areas, eldercare facilities, hospitals, playgrounds/parks — all places where children (and other more vulnerable members of our population) spend many hours to play and sleep.

7) Since the height of the antennae might be on the level of a second or third story window, special provisions must be in place to avoid this. Story poles, street markings, and photos with superimposed proposed antennas should be used to help the public understand exactly where the ‘small cells’ would be installed.

8) Yearly measurement to establish emission levels must be demanded. A 2013 study found a large percentage of cell towers were emitting more radiation than even the FCC has in its guidelines. The FCC said back in 2013 that it didn’t have the manpower to do checks on the hundreds of thousands of antenna under its jurisdiction. Imagine now with the exponential increase in numbers of antenna how unlikely any monitoring of radiation levels is by the FCC. The County must mandate monitoring.

  • An independent expert chosen by the County should do the radio-frequency monitoring/measurements and
  • It should be paid for by the applicant.
  • Unannounced measurements should be done at peak use times to avoid carriers powering down and claiming averaged emissions

9) Please establish a Website so that:

The public can have as much advance notice as possible of applications and

  • The public can track permit applications and subsequent action. Marin Maps could be used.
  • The public can have a sign-up for an automatic email alert when an application is submitted.
  • Public can notice should be provided at the expense of the applicant and the public notification process made clear in the text of the ordinance itself.

10) The public should have the right to appeal any permit approval. A public hearing and community meeting about applications should be included (San Anselmo’s proposed ordinance has this.)




Another Terrible Proposal from the FCC:

Using the OTARD rule for 5G Wireless Radiation

EON’s Comments to the FCC Proposed Rule 19-71 regarding the proposal to use the OTARD (over-the-air reception devices) license (intended for ham radio, satellite dishes, etc.) to put 5G infrastructure on private property to avoid any legal oversight.

EON strongly opposes the proposed amendments to the OTARD rule. It should not be changed to allow wireless companies to put their 5G antennas on private homes in an attempt to avoid legal oversight.

Threats to security, safety and privacy already abound from exponentially increasing use of wireless technologies. What legal remedy would be available to a neighbor adversely affected by a 5G antenna on a nearby property? What legal protections would a property owner have against property devaluation? What responsibility does the FCC have to inform a prospective property owner considering placing a 5G antenna on their property about potential liability for harming neighbors? What responsibility does a property owner have to inform neighbors about the presence of a 5G antenna on their property?

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The FCC should not be using taxpayer dollars for the benefit of wireless companies, pushing a new technology that has never been proven safe. In fact, wireless transmission of 2G, 3G and 4G have been shown in peer -reviewed studies to be unsafe. Already there are growing numbers of severely RF injured people who have no where to go to avoid these ubiquitous and increasing frequencies and whose lives are hell from painful reactions they can’t escape. The ADA law should protect them but is infrequently honored.

We know the “5G” installations will be using the prior generations of frequencies as well as millimeter wave technology. We also know that millimeter wave technology has been used as a ‘pain ray’ for crowd control by the military – not a reassuring fact.

The FCC’s wireless radiation exposure guidelines are based on research from the 1980’s, which was biased even then against admitting scientifically established harm and mandated only considering thermal effects, not the non-thermal biological effects documented in copious recent and older studies. And certainly, though there is inadequate study of the health effects from uses of millimeter wave tech, there is high concern from those scientists who have done preliminary studies that show the helical shape of the sweat ducts provide a perfect antenna for penetration of the Millimeter Waves (MW). There is concern that MWs will penetrate into the body much farther than expected. 

At this time studies indicate that people are already experiencing adverse reproductive, health and mental effects from the additive effects of increasing exposure to RF/EMF from existing wireless devices and transmissions. Studies show 54% of young people born after 1989 suffer from chronic illness, defined as an illness with no cure within western medicine.

It is totally irresponsible to ignore the FCC’s own initiated but not concluded open dockets on reassessing the current exposure guidelines, particularly for children, the ill and elderly.

Allowing even more close proximity radiation from what the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer currently classifies as a Class 2B carcinogen, will result in massive public opposition and major legal challenges

Many elected public officials across the country are responding to constituents’ concerns and demanding proof of safety before allowing more of this complex, powerful radiation to pervade the environment and public areas. Attempts by the FCC to continue your overreach will result in rising enmity among the public against all wireless companies; why destroy your customer base?

The FCC proceeding mentions the “potential to bring enormous benefits” but there is no FCC analysis of the costs or cost effectiveness. And to truly determine the costs, the FCC will have to factor in major debilitation of the entire population of all living creatures (people, birds, insects, microbes, animals, plants) by intense, man-made radiation that our electrical-biological systems did not evolve within. The profit from wireless technologies is clearly not worth damaging the integrity of biological systems, which are all electrically based on unique frequencies that can be disrupted by the stronger man-made frequencies.

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) under the National Institutes of Health has completed the largest-ever animal study on cell phone radiation and cancer. The relationship between radiofrequency radiation and cancer is clearly established. Dr. John Bucher, Associate Director of the NTP and the lead researcher on this study confirms that the exposure of 1.5 W/Kg is lower than currently allowed for the public, including children, under FCC public safety limits. Testing on rats is standard in predicting human cancers.

The NTP results confirm that cell phone radiation exposure levels within the currently allowed safety limits are the “likely cause” of brain and heart cancers in these animals. Italy’s Ramazinni Institute’s study of rats showed an increase in the incidence of very rare highly malignant tumors—schwannomas of the heart— observed in male rats and reached statistical significance at the highest dose. These are the same types of rare and malignant tumors found to be increased in the US National Toxicology Program (NTP) $25 million animal study of cell phone radiation that used far higher RFR exposure levels. The tumors are also the same histotype as found to be increased in long term cell phone users.

Dr. Anthony Miller, Professor Emeritus with the University of Toronto, and adviser to the International Agency for Research on Cancer says, “Many scientists worldwide now believe that radiofrequency radiation should be elevated to a Class One human carcinogen, on the same list as Cigarettes, X-Rays, and Asbestos.”

Cancer is not the only health effect. Adverse health effects are seen particularly in children whose rates of autism, ADD, depression, anxiety, childhood obesity and asthma are skyrocketing. Kaiser Permanente studies showed clear relationship between in utero exposure to non-ionizing radiation with 3 times greater risk of miscarriage as well as increased risk of childhood obesity and asthma.

There is also a growing body of science showing the interaction between chemical pollution, excess heavy metals in the body and RF/EMF synergize to produce effects greater than each would have individually. See Dr. Ron Kostoff”s


Scientific sources include the most recent BioInitiative Report, the International EMF Scientist Appeal, the Europa EM EMF Guideline from 2016, the 5G Appeal, recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, the International Association of Firefighters in 2004, the California Medical Association resolution on December 7, 2014, Kaiser Permanente studies re higher miscarriage rates, asthma and childhood obesity and many, many others.



Letter to the FCC from Dr. Yael Stein MD in Opposition to 5G Spectrum Frontiers

“Clear Evidence of Cancer” Concludes U.S. National Toxicology Program Expert Panel on Cell Phone Radiation

Ramazzini Institute Study: Animal Study on Base Station/Cell Tower Radiofrequency Radiation

Scientists and Doctors Warn of Potential Serious Health Effects of 5G

The human skin as a sub-THz receiver – Does 5G pose a danger to it or not?

The Modeling of the Absorbance of Sub-THz Radiation by Human Skin

The California Medical Association Wireless Resolution

New Kaiser Permanente Study Provides Evidence of Health Risks …


In-Utero Exposure to Magnetic Fields Associated with Increased Risk of Obesity in Childhood

Here are a few studies focused on neurological effects:

Kim, Ju Hwan, et al. “Long-term exposure to 835 MHz RF-EMF induces hyperactivity, autophagy and demyelination in the cortical neurons of mice.” Scientific Reports, vol. 7, no. 41129, 2017.   Study found that RF-EMF exposure led to myelin sheath damage and hyperactivity-like behaviour in mice exposed to 835 MHz RF-EMF at a specific absorption rate (SAR) of 4.0 W/kg for 5 hours/day during 12 weeks.  Demyelination was induced in cortical neurons following prolonged RF-EMF exposure and suggests a potential cause of neurological or neurobehavioural disorders. 
Full Text:


Redmayne M, Johansson O. Could myelin damage from radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure help explain the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity? A review of the evidence. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, vol. 17, no. 5, 2014, pp. 247-58.  

Review of the evidence for an association between myelin integrity and exposure to low-intensity radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) 

“Overall, evidence from in vivo and in vitro and epidemiological studies suggests an association between RF-EMF exposure and either myelin deterioration or a direct impact on neuronal conduction, which may account for many electrohypersensitivity symptoms. The most vulnerable are likely to be those in utero through to at least mid-teen years, as well as ill and elderly individuals.”

Full text:


Sage, C. and Burgio, E. (2017), Electromagnetic Fields, Pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation, and Epigenetics: How Wireless Technologies May Affect Childhood Development. Child Dev. doi:10.1111/cdev.12824

“New epigenetic studies are profiled in this review to account for some neurodevelopmental and neurobehavioral changes due to exposure to wireless technologies. Symptoms of retarded memory, learning, cognition, attention, and behavioral problems have been reported in numerous studies and are similarly manifested in autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorders, as a result of EMF and RFR exposures where both epigenetic drivers and genetic (DNA) damage are likely contributors. Technology benefits can be realized by adopting wired devices for education to avoid health risk and promote academic achievement.”

Full text:


Download above document (including references) in PDF format




Court rules Berkeley may require warnings
that cell phone use risks radiation exposure  

San Francisco Chronicle, 7-2- 2019

Congratulations and immense thanks to all who worked tirelessly for this national precedent-setting ruling, including Prof. Lawrence Lessig, Ellie Marks, Joel Moscowitz, Lloyd Morgan, the Berkeley City Council and many others!

From Environmental Health Trust: “A landmark Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the City of Berkeley’s cell phone right to know ordinance rejecting industries argument that the ordinance violates the first amendment. This ordinance requires retailers to inform consumers that cell phones emit radiation and that “if you carry or use your phone in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra when the phone is ON and connected to a wireless network, you may exceed the federal guidelines for exposure to RF radiation.” Read more


Exposing the FCC’s illegal scheme to replace wired networks

with wireless and make us pay for it!

The Irregulators Legal Case against the FCC offers us an unparalleled chance of stopping 5G in its tracks.

They need your support!

The Background

  1.  Verizon, AT&T and other companies have been using the construction budgets of the copper wireline- based state telecommunications utilities to build out their wireless networks.
  2. Local phone customers have been charged inflated rates that have paid to help telecom companies build their networks – so that rate payers have been unknowingly subsidizing wireless services at the detriment of wired networks.
  3. If these “cross subsidies” were removed – or repaid – then 5G would not be profitable.
  4. This shell game has given wireless companies enormous profits and has shown artificial losses for wired services. This has allowed telecoms to classify wired networks as unprofitable, to justify eliminating the superior copper-wired service and to force us into entirely wireless service.
  5. The telecoms have already charged rate payers (at thousands of dollars/line over two decades), to develop a fiber optic service, but didn’t deliver it to us as promised. Now they are attempting to charge us again for it but only giving us wireless service.
  6. Almost all these inaccurate and misleading financial practices were enabled by the FCC accounting rules.
  7. Exposing these “cross subsidies” and requiring the FCC to demand that telecom carriers fix them to accurately reflect the actual costs associated with each respective technology, could be a game changer.
  8. To add insult to injury, the companies have dumped billions per state of their ‘corporate operations expenses’ that should never have been charged. This is the executive pay, lobbyists, lawyers, golf tournaments and the corporate jets — and worse, these are the lawyers, lobbyists that are working to force 5G on us– we’re paying them extra to harm us!

The Irregulators: An independent consortium of highly regarded senior telecom experts, analysts, forensic auditors, and lawyers was formed to make the public aware of these manipulative accounting practices and take the FCC to task for allowing them at our expense. The group’s goal is to stop the practice of these subsidies and make wireless companies pay for the true cost of wireless, including the WIRED fiber optic networks which they rely on and have already been charging customers for, for two decades. On June 3rd, 2019, the IRREGULATORS had a major victory when the FCC had the opportunity to but did not challenge their right to take this case and present it in the DC court, starting July 22nd, 2019. With this huge “win” behind them, now the group urgently needs financial support to take the case to trial and hold the FCC accountable for oversight of the telecom industry in an unbiased manner and secure our rights as rate payers.

PLEASE DONATE at this link to help continue their fight on our behalf.  It may help to prevent, or at least, slow the roll out of 5G. For more information, visit

FREE SUMMER READING:  Click here for a free PDF of “The Book of Broken Promises: $400 Billion Broadband Scandal & Free the Net”, the 3rd in a trilogy that started in 1998. The second book (and author) was featured on Emmy nominated Bill Moyer’s  PBS special, “The Net at Risk”, in 2006 the first national broadcast program on Net Neutrality. The author and book were also featured in Pulitzer Prize winner, David Cay Johnston’s “The Fine Print”, in 2012.


Could A New Cell Tower Hurt You Financially? CBS13 Investigates


Published on Jun 26, 2019

The coming 5G networks – what they are and why they might cause problems. Charlie Siler is joined by Vicki Sievers, Marin Outreach Coordinator, EMF Safety Network; Mary Beth Brangan, co-founder, Ecological Options Network; and Rachel Gaunt, executive coach and 5G activist

What You Can Do to Fight the Telecom Coup





THIS PREEMPTION BILL IN MARYLAND IS MOVING FAST AND IS SCHEDULED TO BE HEARD THURSDAY.  Emails, phone calls, comments, etc. are welcome from all…even those also living outside of Maryland.
Those within driving distance, please try to attend the hearing in Annapolis this Thursday. We need to fill the House – standing room only! Bring family, friends, colleagues, children, babies, animals….(Well…perhaps not animals!) But let’s fill the room to over-flowing!

Three good resources for communities facing 4g/5g infiltration…(That’s all of us!!) 

1. Sample ordinance from Americans for Responsible Technology. This ordinance is in full compliance with the September FCC order but still manages to be somewhat protective of the public. (Scroll down on page for the Sample Ordinance)

2. Environmental Health Trust has put together a number of relatively protective ordinances from around the country. The link also includes some recommendations to communities.

3. Summary of the major issues surrounding the deployment of 4g/5g “small cells”. May be used for crafting comments, testimony, letters to city council members, elected reps, or just to learn more.
Public safety WILL prevail over corporate greed!!
And please consider encouraging your elected reps to support or cosponsor HR 530! 

Congresswomen Eshoo and Speier Introduce HR 530 to Block FCC Cell Tower Preemption  Jan. 22nd, 2019 | Physicians for Safe Technology 
 “In a courageous move to preserve local government control, Federal bill HR 530 was introduced January 14, 2019 in the House of Representatives by California Congresswoman Anna Eshoo, to invalidate the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) September 26, 2018 ruling to accelerate the deployment of 5G small cells throughout the U.S.  Congresswoman Jackie Speier has co-sponsored the bill.  Representative Eshoo stated the FCC had ‘failed to listen to reasonable input from communities across the country, cowered to industry interests, and failed to put the public interests first.’” In a January 15, 2019 press statement Eshoo added,  ‘Having served in local government for a decade on the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors, I understand and respect the important role that state and local governments play in protecting the welfare of their residents,’”

Here is a link to a letter template from the National League of Cities which you can download and modify.

Local governments push back on FCC for 5G towers  Feb. 11th, 2019 | Patrick Dwire | Press Banner

Actions some cities are taking. 

“Municipal and county governments, and now Congresswomen Anna Eshoo, are fighting back against the telecom industry’s interest in limiting local government’s permitting authority for additional cell towers and installation of 5G cell equipment.

Last week the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors adopted a resolution of support for House Resolution 530, introduced by Eshoo, D-Atherton, aimed at overturning Federal Communications Commission regulations that curtail the local control of permitting new cell towers and wireless transmitters.”

For more suggested actions and instructions, please see the two (rather lengthy) messages at the end of this update. 
Some great memes from Americans for Safe Technology