5G – With a Capital ‘G,’ and that stands for…Genocide?

“5G is a War on Humanity”

With the publication by Josh del Sol Beaulieu of a letter to then UN General Secretary Antonio Guterez  written by former UN staffer Claire Edwards we have another indication of the willful ignorance about the dangers of radio-frequency radiation of those making policy decisions about the current  push by telecoms for a global 5G build-out.

“In the first instance,” Edwards points out, “5G is likely to make people electro-hypersensitive (EHS).  Perhaps it was sitting in front of two big computer screens for many of the 18 years I worked at the UN that made me EHS.”

Based on her personal experience, she agreed to serve as editor of the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space, addressed to the UN, WHO, EU, Council of Europe and governments of all nations. It reads in part:

We the undersigned scientists, doctors and environmental organizations…urgently call for a halt to the deployment of the 5G (fifth generation) wireless network, including 5G from space satellites. 5G will massively increase exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation on top of the 2G, 3G and 4G networks for telecommunications already in place. RF radiation has been proven harmful for humans and the environment. The deployment of 5G constitutes an experiment on humanity and the environment that is defined as a crime under international law.

The signatories to this Appeal are scientists, doctors and environmental organizations from every continent who have been working tirelessly for many years to call the world’s attention to an invisible assault on us and the entire planetary biosphere.

Everyone — not just scientists and doctors — are now being asked to sign the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space.

To read the Appeal and sign as an individual or organization, go to: International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space

Evidence of Harm Suppressed for Warfare and Corporate Profit –
Soviet Public Safety Standards ‘Too Low’

Canadian researcher Dr. Magda Havas long ago reported that ” The Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States released a document referenced below that had a security classification as “confidential” and has since been “unclassified”.  This document may help us better understand why the U.S. military is interested in opposing a more protective guideline for microwave radiation.”

Adams, R.L. and R.A. Williams.  1976.  Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves and Microwaves) – Eurasian Communist Countries (U). Prepared by U.S. Army Medical Intelligence and Information Agency Office of the Surgeon General and was released by the Defense Intelligence Agency.  34 pp.  Unclassified.

Dr. Havas continued, “There are two disturbing paragraphs in this document that clearly indicate the U.S. military’s perspective opposing more stringent guidelines for microwave radiation.

‘If the more advanced nations of the West are strict in the enforcement of stringent exposure standards, there could be unfavorable effects on industrial output and military function. The Eurasian Communist countries could, on the other hand, give lip service to strict standards, but allow their military to operate without restriction and thereby gain the advantage in electronic warfare techniques and the development of antipersonnel applications.’ [page vii]

‘Should subsequent research result in adoption of the Soviet standard by other countries, industries whose practices are based on less stringent safety regulations, could be required to make costly modifications in order to protect workers. Recognition of the 0.01 mW/cm2 standard could also limit the application of new technology by making the commercial exploitation of some products unattractive because of increased cost, imposed by the need for additional safeguards.’[page 24]

“Note that the ‘less stringent safety regulations’ refers to U.S., Canada, Great Britain and several European countries as well as to the guidelines recommended by ICNIRP and WHO. It seems that the authors of this document value military and commercial financial considerations above worker health. There is little doubt that the U.S. military played a key role preventing safer and more protective U.S. guidelines for microwave radiation.

“Microwave weapons are outside the scope of this document, although there is reference to antipersonnel applications of microwave technology including inducing neurological effects, metabolic diseases, heart seizures and neurological pathologies resulting from breaching the blood-brain barrier, as well as intracranial production of sounds and possibly words at very low average power densities.  On page 26, a section dealing with microwave weapons seems to have been removed.

“This document clearly reflects the U.S. military’s resistance to lowering the guideline and their distrust of research conducted in the Eastern Block Countries.  That distrust and the power wielded by the U.S. military is largely responsible for the status of the  current guidelines, which fail to protect public and worker health.”

Dr. Havas has assembled an on-line archive of reports by Naval researcher showing clearly that the dangers of RF, or ‘non-ionizing’ radiation have been known for decades.

Here’s a sobering example:


Zorach R. Glaser, Ph.D. LT, MSC, USNR.  Research ‘Report    Project MF12.524.015-00043,Report No. 2.   Naval Medical Research Institute,  National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland 20014, U.S.A. 4 October 1971, Second Printing, with Revisions, Corrections, and Additions: 20 April 1972 (Supersede3 AD No. 734391)




Reported Biological Phenomena (*Effects’) and Some Clinical Manifestations Attributed to Microwave and Radio-Frequency Radiation (See Note)

A. Heating of Organs*
(Applications: Diathermy, Electrosurgery, Electrocoagulation, Electrodesiccation, Electrotomy)

Whole Body (temperature regulation defect), Hyperpyreyla
Bone and Bone Marrow:
(a) Lens of Eye (cataractous lesions – due to the avascular nature of the lens which prevents adequate heat dissipation (b) Corneal damage also possible at extremely high frequencies
Genitalia (tubular degeneration of testicles)
Metal Implants (burns near hip pins, etc.)
The effects are generally reversible except for 4a.

B. Changes in Cardiovascular Function
Striated Muscle Contraction
Alteration of Diameter of Blood Vessels (increases vascular
elasticity), Dilation
Changes in the Oxidative Processes in Tissues and Organs
Liver Enlargement
Altered Sensitivity to Drug Stimuli
Decreased Spermatogenesis (decreased fertility, to sterility)
Altered Sex Ratio of Births (more girls!)
Altered Menstrual Activity
Altered Fetal Development
Decreased Lactation in Nursing Mothers
Reduction in Diuresis (excretion via urine output)
Altered Renal function (decreased filtration in tubules)
Changes in (conditioned Reflexes
Increased Electrical Resistance of Skin
Changes in the Structure of Skin Receptors of the (a) Receptor and (b) Blood Carrying System
Altered Blood Flow Rate

* It is also reported that low levels of irradiation produce a cooling effect – “hyper-compensation”.

Note: These effects are listed without comment or endorsement since the literature abounds with conflicting reports. In some cases the basis for reporting an “effect” was a single or a non-statistical observation, which may have been drawn from a poorly conceived (and poorly executed) experiment.

Alterations In the Bio-currents (EEG) of the Cerebral Cortex
(in animals)
Changes In the Rate of Clearance of Tagged Ions from Tissue
Reversible Structural Changes In the Cerebral Cortex and the Diencephalon
Electrocardiographic (EKG) Changes
Alterations In Sensitivity to Light, Sound, and Olfactory
Functional (a) and Pathological (b) Changes in the Eyes:
(a) decrease in size of blind spot, altered color recognition,
changes In Intraocular pressure, lacrimation, trembling of eyelids;
(b) less opacity and coagulation, altered tissue respiration,
and altered reduction-oxidation processes
Myocardial Necrosis
Hemorrhage in Lungs, Liver, Gut, and Brain J At Fatal Levels
Generalized Degeneration of all Body Tissue of Radiation
Loss of Anatomical Parts
Altered Rate of Calcification of Certain Tissue

C. Central Nervous System Effects
Restlessness (Awake and During Sleep)
Electroencephalographic (EW) Changes
Cranial Nerve Disorders
Pyramidal Tract Lesions
Conditioned Reflex Disorders
Vagominetic Action of the Heart; Sympaticouminetic Action
Seizures, Convulsions

D. Autonomic Nervous System Effects
Neuro-vegetative Disorders (e.g., alteration of heart rhythm)
Structural Alterations Lu the Synapses of the Vague Nerve
Stimulation of Parasympathetic Nervous System (Bradycardia),
and Inhibition of the Sympathetic Nervous System

Peripheral Nervous System Effects
Effects on Locomotor Nerves

F. Psychological Disorders
(“Human Behavioral Studies”) – the so-called “Psychophysiologic (and Psychosomatic) Responses”

Neurasthenia- (general “bad” feeling)
Lack of Concentration
Increased Irritability
Decreased Appetite
Loss of Memory
Scalp Sensations
Increased Fatigability
Chest Pains
Tremor of the Hands

G. Behavioral Changes (Animal Studies)
Reflexive, Operant, Avoidance, and Discrimination Behaviors

H. Mood Disorders
(V = in vivo)
(v = in vitrt.’
Changes in:
Blood and Bone Marrow
Phagorytic (polymorphs) and Bactericidal Functions of the Liver)
Hemolysis Rate (increase), (a shortened lifespan of cells)
Sedimentation Rate (increase), (due to ,-e. ;n sp, t ” I
levels or ar:ount of fitrino-er. (?))
Number of Erythrocytes (decrease)
Blood Glucose Concentration (increase)
Blood Histamine Content
Cholesterol and Lipids
Gamma Globulin, and Total Protein Concentration
Number of Eosinophils
Albumin/Globulin ratio (decrease)
Hemopoiesis (rate of formation of blood corpuscles)
Leukopenia (increase in number of white cells), and Leukocytosis

I. Vascular Disorders

J. Enzyme and Other Biochemical Changes
Changes in activity of:
Cholinesterase (V,v)
Phosphatase (v)
Transaminase (v)
Amylase (v)
Protein Denaturation
Toxin, Fungus, and Virus Inactivation (at high radiation dose
levels), Bacteriostatic Effect
Tissue Cultures Killed
Alteration In Rate of Cell Division
Increased Concentration of RVA in Lymphocytes, and Decreased
Concentration in Brain,. Liver, and Spleen
Changes in Pyruvic Acid, Lactic Acid, and Creatinine Exeretions
Change in Concentration of Glycogen in Liver (Hyperglycemia)
Alteration in Concentration of 17- Ketosterolds in Urine

K. Metabolic Disorders
Glycosuria (sugar in urine; related with blood sugar?)
Increase in Urinary Phenol (derivatives? DOPA?)
Alteration of rate of Metabolic Enzymatic Processes
Altered Carbohydrate Metabolism

L. Gastro-Intestinal Disorders
Anorexia (loss of appetite)
Epigastric Pain
Altered Secretion of Stomach “Digestive Juices”

M. Endocrine Gland Changes
Altered Pituitary Function
Thyroid Enlargement
Increased Uptake of Radioactive Iodine by Thyroid Gland
Altered Adrenal Cortex Activity
Decreased Corticosteroids in Blood
Decreased Glucocorticoidal Activity
Hypogonadism (usually decreased testosterone production)

N. Histological Changes
Changes in Tubular Epithelium of Testicles
Gross Changes

O. Genetic and Chromosomal Changes
Chromosome Aberrations (e.g., linear shortening, pseudochiasm,
diploid structures, amitotic division, bridging, “sticky”
chromosomes, irregularities in chromosomal envelope)
Mutations =
Somatic Alterations (changes in cell not involving nucleus or
chromosomes, cellular transformation)
Neoplastic Diseases (e.g*, tumors)

P. Pearl Chain Effect
(Intracellular orientation of subcellular particles, and orientation of cellular and other (non-biologic) particles)

Also, orientation of animals, birds, and fish in electromagnetic fields

Q. Miscellaneous Effects
Sparking between dental fillings
Peculiar metallic taste in mouth
Changes in Optical Activity of Colloidal Solutions
Treatment for Syphilis, Poliomyelitis, Skin Diseases
Loss of Hair
Brittleness of Hair
Sensations of Buzzing Vibrations, Pulsations, and Tickling About the Head and Ears
Copious Perspiration, Salivation, and Protrusion of Tongue
Changes in the Operation of Implanted Cardiac Pacemakers
Changes in Circadian Rhythms