5G Radiation Rebellion Grows

Building public 5G awareness in San Rafael, CA. EON photo









Stoking the Radiation Rebellion

By Mary Beth Brangan

Watch the passionate, informed resistance on the 5G Crisis July 27, National Day of Action – an 11 min. video report by EON’s Jim Heddle.

Viewer John Knox says – “Watched that vid twice & commented on it. Damn! Each Activist had great points that they each made in their own style. Well done video, and you have some very effective communicators there in Marin. Wow. Great sound, great shooting & editing.”


Upcoming event in Marin County, California 

Please Attend & Bring Friends and Family!

International educator and attorney Dafna Tachover on 5G risks

San Geronimo Valley Community Center – August 10th 6:30 – 8:30 pm

6350 Sir Francis Drake Blvd
San Geronimo, CA 94963
(415) 488-8888

Ms. Dafna Tachover Esq, MBA, is an attorney in both New York and Israel and the founder of We Are The Evidence, an advocacy organization for the protection of the rights of people who have been injured by wireless radiation.

She led a Supreme Court case in Israel to ban the use of Wi-Fi in schools which led to the strictest limitations in the world on Wi-Fi in schools. She was a Telecommunication and Computers Officer and the Commander of the computer center of the Israeli Defense Forces’ Operations Headquarters.

Dafna has dedicated herself to educating the public and public officials regarding the adverse effects of wireless technology radiation and the resulting widespread sickness. She has been involved in related legal actions and represented 94 international organizations in an amicus brief in a U.S. case.

She has been featured in numerous publications and appeared in several documentaries about the topic, including Genneration Zapped and 5G-Apocalypse: The Extinction Event. Her website:  We Are The Evidence

Three thought-provoking articles that deepen our understanding of the issues:

Emerging Problems for the 5G Bandwagon

by Timothy Schoechle, PhD., author of Reinventing Wires, from ElectromagneticHealth.org

From the article:

Despite all the media advertising, journalistic gloss, and industry bravado, 5G wireless has encountered a growing number of problems at local, state, national, and international levels.

  1. Lagging industry investment
  2. Carrier reliance on coerced subsidization by local communities
  3. Trade war turmoil, especially regarding China
  4. Complaints over cyber-security risks and state spying
  5. Public health concerns over RF radiation risks.
  6. Trump’s attack on Huawei and on China
  7. Google’s Trump disruption of the Android ecosystem
  8. Qualcomm’s loss of FTC antitrust challenge over its patents
  9. NYT fake news story attack against radiation complaints blaming Russia
  10. Safety concerns over mm waves and lack of research on large scale health effects
    (i.e., public as guinea pig)
  11. Mounting widespread local grassroots opposition
  12. Court challenges to state and federal preemption by cities, associations, and environmental groups
  13. Incomplete spectrum allocation
  14. Cost of spectrum and lack of cooperation among telecom operators
  15. Internal industry squabble over “5G” misrepresentation (e.g., AT&T’s “5Ge”)
  16. Incomplete technical standards
  17. Huawei’s patents on key 5G technology and standards (e.g., 2300 Huawei 5G patents)
  18. Huawei’s prominence in the standards setting process
  19. Dearth of equipment and phone manufacturers (dependency on China)
  20. Uncertainties over mm wave propagation characteristics and performance
  21. Lack of credible applications requiring 5G
  22. Lack of real need for 5G
  23. Emerging public concerns over privacy, security, and surveillance
  24. Emerging public concerns over smartphone social and political dysfunction
  25. Conflicts with NOAA satellite earth data collection systems

Read More…

by Camilla Rees, author of Public Health SOS:

 Is 5G the Problem? Or Is ‘Antenna Densification’?

A snippet from Camilla’s article:

“At present, spectrum for 5G has not been finalized. The 5G network has not been built out. Limited 5G testing in lower frequency bands is going on in some cities. In some cases, results have been disappointing. The biggest risk at this time is from 4G antennas being rapidly placed on utility poles and other infrastructure near homes, that transmit 24/7. 4G and 5G antennas will work in tandem. 4G is needed for location identification of wireless devices for 5G’s ‘on demand’ transmissions, as well as for voice calls. 5G is for data, connecting things.  Phones enabled for 5G will still use 4G for voice. As explained in the Building Biology Institute’s new 5G course, 90% of cellular data is expected to transmit via 4G LTE for years to come.

Some believe the rush to hype 5G even before 5G technologies are fully developed or standardized is a trojan horse, that effectively brings 4G closer to homes without the difficulty and cost of obtaining permissions required for cell towers, while at the same time staking claim to muni ‘real estate’ for 5G later on if and when the 5G network is built out in a given location.”

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And from the new issue of the Weston A. Price Journal, a new article by Katie Singer, author of Electronic Silent Spring and Our Web of Inconvenient Truth:

Getting Informed About 5G

“In our zeal for electronic things (and now, wireless devices), we have nearly saturated our environment with man-made electromagnetic radiation (EMR). With the advent of 5G, small cell networks will emit microwave radiation around the clock at largely untested frequencies. Each site’s electronic gear also poses fire and collapse hazards as well as liability, privacy and security issues. If getting informed is the first step toward constructive action, let’s ask: How did we get to 5G? Why do we need it? How will it affect our health? How (or can) we prevent it?”

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Children – especially girls – are most vulnerable to the harmful biological and psychological effects of electro-magnetic radiation. EON photo

Telecom-Friendly ‘Regulators’

It’s not just residents as well as city, county and state government officials, who are outraged at the industry-captured Federal Communications Commission.  Overreaching FCC policies, enacted by un-elected officials, have also sparked conflicts with the Navy, NASA, the Department of Commerce and all the U.S. utilities.

Citing concerns from NASA, senators urge FCC to rein in 5G expansion

Scientists from NASA and other agencies warn 5G operations in high-band spectrum could interfere with weather forecasting.

5G and weather forecasting

Ajit Pai says NOAA and NASA are wrong about 5G harming weather forecasts

Pai tells Congress that NOAA warnings are based on bad data.

A trade group representing hundreds of U.S. utility companies is urging federal agencies to make sure that power and electricity providers retain control of interference-free spectrum so they can continue to operate their own private wireless networks.

Utilities Bicker Over FCC Broadband Proposal as Industry Leader Rebrands

Finally, a head’s up from NextGov.com as to what the military has in mind:

Air Force Wants Simulated Wargames to Plan For Lasers, Electro-Magnetic Weapons


 “The purpose of these [military utility] studies is to determine 
 if and how well AFRL/RD and industry technologies can help address 
 warfighter needs and gaps including complementing current fielded 
 technologies and those under development by others,” the notice 

 The Air Force has been working on laser weapons systems, or 
 LaWS, and high powered electro-magnetics, HPEM, for some time, with 

  plans to deploy the technologies on planes by 2020[1].”

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