Thanks to each of you who took action to urge Gov. Brown to oppose SB 649!
We also thank Gov. Brown for actually vetoing the bill late Sunday night, October 15.
Gratitude to everyone who has phoned, emailed, testified in hearings, or met with legislative staff, written Op-Eds, blogs, articles, gave interviews, produced radio and videos and sent post cards.
Those of us concerned with health as well as democratic choice and rights to local control joined the 300 California cities, 47 counties and over 100 community, planning, health, environment and justice organizations opposed to SB 649.
Altogether we truly made a difference and defended democratic choice and process in California!
A National Win!
People across the nation concerned with health, safety and the right to public oversight were also watching how our battle went and were overjoyed. Our win helps everyone. We were also blessed that many great folks from other states generously contributed their energy and talents to our educational campaign here in California. (Similar bills have already been passed in 12 other states and are being introduced directly into some cities.)
EMF Safety Network and Ecological Options Network opposed SB 649 since the bill was introduced in March because of the exponential increase of harmful microwave radiation that would have been emitted 24/7 close to homes, schools, parks, offices, playgrounds. We commissioned postcards that were sent to the Governor in the thousands.