Monthly Archives: June 2011

Decommissioning Nuclear Denial – EON Update 6-30-2011

The Nuclear Reality Gap Widens
Despite official silence and obfuscation, no-fly zones, news blackouts, nukewashing denials, NRC attempts to extend the lives of seriously-aging existing plants, and an indefensible Obama initiative to refurbish the U.S. nuclear weapons arsenal and give a $35 million in taxpayer-funded loan guarantees to new nukes, a dense pall of reality is beginning to settle – like Fukushima fallout – across the world.

Major countries like Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Thailand, Malaysia and China are backpeddeling on nuclear power build-out plans, ‘The Market’ is turning away, and the informed public opinion swing against a ‘nuclear renaissance’ will take more than inflated PR budgets to reverse.

The industry may be in denial about this just being a ‘bump in the road’ and just a ‘public education’ problem, but it begins to look more like a terminal road block for the new nukes fantasy. The head of the UN’s IAEA recognizes that “Public confidence in the safety of nuclear power has been deeply shaken.” Even FOX News is worried. Write your White House and Congress person. Campaign for de-funding and decommissioning. Let’s seize the day! JH

Mainichi Video: Radioactive Fallout from Fukushima Comes to North America– Mainichi Daily News

Radioactive dust from Fukushima plant hits N. America
Radioactive materials spewed out from the crippled Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant reached North America soon after the meltdown and were carried all the way to Europe, according to a simulation by university researchers.

The computer simulation by researchers at Kyushu University and the University of Tokyo, among other institutions, calculated dispersal of radioactive dust from the Fukushima plant beginning at 9 p.m. on March 14, when radiation levels around the plant spiked.

Revealed: British government’s plan to play down Fukushima
Internal emails seen by Guardian show PR campaign was launched to protect UK nuclear plans after tsunami in Japan
Rob Edwards, Thursday 30 June 2011 21.36 BST
Read e-mails here.
British government officials approached nuclear companies to draw up a co-ordinated public relations strategy to play down the Fukushima nuclear accident just two days after the earthquake and tsunami in Japan and before the extent of the radiation leak was known.

Internal emails seen by the Guardian show how the business and energy departments worked closely behind the scenes with the multinational companies EDF Energy, Areva and Westinghouse to try to ensure the accident did not derail their plans for a new generation of nuclear stations in the UK.

“This has the potential to set the nuclear industry back globally,” wrote one official at the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), whose name has been redacted. “We need to ensure the anti-nuclear chaps and chapesses do not gain ground on this. We need to occupy the territory and hold it. We really need to show the safety of nuclear.”

Officials stressed the importance of preventing the incident from undermining public support for nuclear power….
“Anti-nuclear people across Europe have wasted no time blurring this all into Chernobyl and the works,” the official told Areva. “We need to quash any stories trying to compare this to Chernobyl.”
Read more.

Fukushima Spews, Los Alamos Burns, Vermont Rages and We’ve Almost Lost Nebraska

by Harvey Wasserman
Humankind is now threatened by the simultaneous implosion, explosion, incineration, courtroom contempt and drowning of its most lethal industry.

We know only two things for certain: worse is yet to come, and those in charge are lying about it—at least to the extent of what they actually know, which is nowhere near enough.

Indeed, the assurances from the nuke power industry continue to flow like the floodwaters now swamping the Missouri Valley heartland.

But major breakthroughs have come from a Pennsylvania Senator and New York’s Governor on issues of evacuation and shut-down. And a public campaign for an end to loan guarantees could put an end to the US industry once and for all.

Press remarks regarding the Las Conchas Fire, June 29, 2011, 2:30 pm

Los Alamos Study Group Update

Meltdown as “Speed Bump” – The Nuclear Gang Regroups
As the disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant complex continued to unfold, the nuclear gang—principals of the nuclear industry and pro-nuclear members of the U.S. Congress and the Obama administration—held a two-day “summit” in Washington, D.C. last week on pushing for new nuclear plant construction.

The conclusion about the impacts of Fukushima on their drive for a “renaissance” of nuclear power: it will be only a “speed bump,” as participants put it at the Special Summit on New Nuclear Energy.
…A running point at the summit was the need to “educate the public” about the benefits of nuclear power despite Fukushima….

Radiation in Our Food
By Chris Kilham
…Should you panic about this? No. That will do no good. But you can call, write and email your congressperson, your senator, and any other elected officials in your district, ask them to push for testing of foods and water in your area, and tell them to take the threat of global nuclear fallout seriously. For while none of the 104 nuclear power plants in the U.S. are melting down at present, we have had our own nuclear accidents. Remember Three Mile Island? Radiation has made its way to the American dinner table. This is a time to speak out, and to put pressure on policy makers. Clearly, it’s far better to be politically active now than radioactive tomorrow.
Read more

Rewriting History: Nuke Plants Designed to Last 40 years, Now Talk of 100-Year Life Span
by Jeff Donn
ROCKVILLE, Maryland — When commercial nuclear power was getting its start in the 1960s and 1970s, industry and regulators stated unequivocally that reactors were designed only to operate for 40 years. Now they tell another story – insisting that the units were built with no inherent life span, and can run for up to a century, an Associated Press investigation shows.

This July 12, 1972 file picture shows the Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in Lacey Township, N.J. Called “Oyster Creak” by some critics because of its aging problems, this boiling water reactor began running in 1969 and ranks as the country’s oldest operating commercial nuclear power plant. Its license was extended in 2009 until 2029, though utility officials announced in December 2010 that they’ll shut the reactor 10 years earlier, rather than build state-ordered cooling towers. By rewriting history, plant owners are making it easier to extend the lives of dozens of reactors in a relicensing process that resembles nothing more than an elaborate rubber stamp.

As part of a yearlong investigation of aging issues at the nation’s nuclear power plants, the AP found that the relicensing process often lacks fully independent safety reviews. Records show that paperwork of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission sometimes matches word-for-word the language used in a plant operator’s application.

America’s Worst Nukes
Poorly regulated nuclear power plants had 14 ‘near-misses’ in 201
Rolling Stone Photo Essay

Cuomo Takes Tough Stance on Nuclear Reactors
By DANNY HAKIM – Published: June 28, 2011
ALBANY — One of Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s top advisers met with the operators of the Indian Point nuclear plant last week and told them that the governor was determined to close the plant.

Mr. Cuomo is not the first politician or the first governor to take that position, but newly passed state legislation will make it easier for him to do so.

Scientists Monitor Air as Fire Burns Near Nuclear Site
LOS ALAMOS – As crews fight to keep a New Mexico wildfire from reaching the nation’s premier nuclear-weapons laboratory and the surrounding community, scientists are busy sampling the air for chemicals and radiological materials.

Smoke from the Las Conchas fire fills the sky near the Los Alamos Laboratory in Los Alamos, N.M., Tuesday, June 28, 2011. A vicious wildfire spread through the mountains above a northern New Mexico town on Tuesday, driving thousands of people from their homes as officials at the government nuclear laboratory tried to dispel concerns about the safety of sensitive materials. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong) Their effort includes dozens of fixed-air monitors on the ground, as well as a “flying laboratory” dispatched by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The special twin-engine plane is outfitted with sensors that can collect detailed samples.

What Happened to Media Coverage of Fukushima?
by Anne Landman
While the U.S. media has been occupied with Anthony Weiner, the Republican presidential candidates and Bristol Palin’s memoir, coverage of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster has practially fallen off the map. Poor mainstream media coverage of Japan’s now months-long struggle to gain control over the Fukushima disaster has deprived Americans of crucial information about the risks of nuclear power following natural disasters….[ Great summary update. Read more. ]

Internal Contamination Confirmed – Fukushima residents have radioactive urine
Posted on Jun 27th 2011 by David Gomez
According to The Japan Times, more than 3 millisieverts of radiation were measured in the urine of 15 Fukushima residents of the village of Iitate and the town of Kawamata yesterday. This confirms that internal radiation exposure has occurred.

Millisieverts are a measurement of the amount of radiation dosage received by people.

Both places are about 24 miles from the Fukushima No. 1 power plant. The plant has been releasing radioactive material into the environment since the week of March 11, when an earthquake and tsunami caused core meltdowns.

“This won’t be a problem if they don’t eat vegetables or other products that are contaminated,” said Nanao Kamada, professor emeritus of radiation biology at Hiroshima University. “But it will be difficult for people to continue living in these areas.”

Nuke Chief at Fort Calhoun, Critics Up Concerns
Despite the Missouri River’s ever rising waters which are now less than three feet from forcing the Cooper plant to be shutdown, Jaczko downplayed any discussion of a radiation leak or flood waters climbing into the plant. Jaczko telling reporters, “Everything’s possible but right now it is not anticipated that we would see the water levels get that high.” Jaczko and officials with the Nebraska Public Power District which runs Cooper insist the plant is safe and would be shut down before any problems occur.

The reactor at Fort Calhoun has been shut down since April and plant officials have said they do not intend to bring it back on-line until the threat of flooding is over.

UN nuclear chief warns no ‘business as usual’
By Agence France-Presse
VIENNA (AFP) – The head of the UN’s nuclear watchdog warned on Monday that confidence in atomic energy had been “deeply shaken” by the Fukushima disaster as a conference began to debate lessons to be drawn of the crisis in Japan.

“The eyes of the world will be upon us in the next few days,” Yukiya Amano said at the start of the five-day ministerial meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.

“Public confidence in the safety of nuclear power has been deeply shaken.”

Germany’s Greens back Merkel’s 2022 nuclear deadline
By Agence France-Presse
BERLIN (AFP) – Germany’s Green party on Saturday decided to accept a government decision to close all nuclear reactors by 2022 instead of pushing for an earlier deadline.

Ahead of the extraordinary meeting in Berlin, the party leadership called on members to support the government, although some of the 819 delegates are calling for Germany to abandon nuclear energy as early as 2017.

“Giving up nuclear energy is a victory for the Greens,” said the party’s co-leader, Claudia Roth.

Radioactive Dust From Japan Hit North America 3 Days After Meltdown
But Governments “Lied” About Meltdowns and Radiation

NIRS Update on Fukushima
* note: all Update times are Eastern U.S. time

UPDATE, Tuesday, June 21, 2011. A new version of the map we posted Friday of radiation readings in Japan sheds more light on the vast contamination of the northern part of the country and new evidence that the government’s response has been woefully inadequate. The map is here.
(Warning, this is a very large—15mb—pdf file; not recommended for slow connections).

10,000 Nuclear Experiments on Hold as Wildfire Closes US Lab
by P. Solomon Banda and Susan Montoya Bryan
LOS ALAMOS, N.M. — Officials at the nuclear laboratory that created the first atomic bomb say it could be a few days before they know how experiments have been affected by a shutdown forced by a 323-square-kilometre wildfire.

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Zombie Nuclearism Hits the Reality Wall – EON Nuke Digest 6-28-2011

Obama’s Zombie Nuclearism
Never mind earthquake and tsunami, fire and flood – not to mention the Cold War reportedly being over for some time now – President Obama continues to push a ‘renaissance’ for both nuclear power and nuclear weapons. You may have thought boosting nuclear power was all he’s up to. But, no. He wants a new nuclear arms race, too.

You’d think Fukushima, plus the flood waters rising around Nebraska’s two nukes, plus the New Mexico wildfire advancing on the Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Lab might give the President and his nuclear advisers pause. The concurrent emergencies illustrate the double danger that nuclear power and weaponry represent, and why, combined, they are a clear and present danger to true national security.

The posts in this edition lay out the factual, as opposed to the ideological, reasons Mr. Obama’s nuclear policies are tragically wrongheaded and why – despite squandering huge national resources – they are fortunately, unlikely to succeed. They show, in short, why America’s current ‘nuclear posture’ is an economic, geopolitical and anatomical impossibility.

The first link is to NUCLEAR ROULETTE: The Case Against A ‘Nuclear Renaissance,’ by Gar Smith, Editor Emeritus of Earth Island Journal. Edited by ECOTOPIA author Ernest Callenbach, with a foreword by international activist Aileen Mioko-Smith, NUCLEAR ROULETTE is No. 5 in the International Forum on Globalization’s (IFG’s) series of publications focused on false solutions to the global climate crisis.

As IFG Founder Jerry Mander and Ernest Callenbach say in their Prologue, the report:
“,,,focuses on the appalling attempt to revive and celebrate nuclear power as a grand ‘green’ climate-friendly energy system that can successfully replace fossil fuels and continue to sustain our industrial society at its present level. Author Gar Smith systematically refutes all the nuclear industry arguments, including one of their most critical assumptions – that the deadly radiation from nuclear wastes can be successfully sequestered for the 250,00 years they will remain dangerous to all life, an assertion bordering on insane.”

Smith’s 10 arguments for the abolition of nuclear power: (1) the impossibility of speedy deployment; (2) its catastrophic risks; (3) its inherent inefficiency and unreliability; (4) extravagant costs; (5) environmental impacts on air, land and water: (6) the waste dilemma; (7) the impact on indigenous people; (8) nuclear weapons proliferation; (9) the ‘inherently safe’ fallacy; and (10) that better options exist including efficiency, renewables and conservation.

The second link is to a brief video interview in which Jeremy Rifkin succinctly lays out his own five arguments for the inevitable demise of nuclear power. (1) construction is too costly and slow to impact climate change in time; (2) there’s no safe place for the waste; (3) the uranium supply is running out; (4) fueling the world’s reactors with plutonium would be a boon to terrorists; and (5) nuclear plants consume and pollute huge quantities of the planet’s fast-dwindling fresh water supply. Finally, Rifkin explains why – as in the cases of peer-to-peer file sharing putting music companies out of business, the internet blogosphere impacting news papers and the Linux free and open operating system challenging Microsoft and Apple – lateral networks of small energy producers linked in local micro-grids will make monopolistic centralized energy networks look soooo 20th century.

The third post is today’s Democracy Now report on Obama’s Nuclear Folly in light of encroaching catastrophic facts.

And finally, Norman Solomon – the only California Congressional candidate to call for the immediate shutdown of the nuclear plants at Diablo Canyon at San Luis Obispo and San Onofre – explains why.


Just Released!
IFG’s New Report: Nuclear Roulette
The ever-worsening news from Fukushima has blown the lid off of decades of nuclear industry disinformation about the perils of nuclear power. Country after country is rethinking nuclear expansion, including Japan itself.

The release of this new comprehensive report, Nuclear Roulette: The Case Against a “Nuclear Renaissance” couldn’t be more timely. Order a copy here.

Jeremy Rifkin – Why Nuclear Power is Dead
Une vidéo réalisée par TerreTV
[ Note: Begins with a brief clip of Sarkozy pushing nuclear energy in French. Rifkin speaks English. ]

In a rare interview, the Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends in Washington (the FOET), demonstrates in five factual arguments why the era of nuclear power is coming to an end.
“I chair a group of 120 largest companies in the world in the field of information technology, transport, logistics, energy, power distribution, construction […], these Companies know that nuclear power is dead, “said Jeremy Rifkin.

… “40% of all drinking water consumed in all of France is used to cool the nuclear reactors. When the water is rejected, it is hot and dehydrated ecosystems … ”

As Obama Quietly Pushes for a Nuclear Weapons Renaissance, Wildfire Threatens Los Alamos Nuclear Lab

In New Mexico, the Los Alamos National Laboratory, the main nuclear weapons lab in the United States, has been shut down for a second day as a massive wildfire approaches the facility. The anti-nuclear watchdog group, Concerned Citizens for Nuclear Safety, says the fire now appears to be about 3.5 miles from a dump site at the lab where as many as 30,000 55-gallon drums of plutonium-contaminated waste are stored in fabric tents above ground.

Nuclear dangers close to home
by Norman Solomon – Marin Independent Journal
SEVERAL DECADES AGO, three expert nuclear engineers told a congressional panel why they decided to quit: “We could no longer justify devoting our life energies to the continued development and expansion of nuclear fission power — a system we believe to be so dangerous that it now threatens the very existence of life on this planet.”

Such inherent dangers are all too close to home here in California, where the state’s two nuclear power plants — Diablo Canyon at San Luis Obispo and San Onofre farther south — are both located on major earthquake faults along the coast.

The overall record of Diablo Canyon’s owner and operator — PG&E — hardly inspires confidence. And recent events in Japan showed that official assurances can become worthless after a big quake and tsunami.

Continuing radioactive leaks from Fukushima are extensive and multifaceted. The authoritative journal Nature reported in late May that “some scientists are simply floating the idea of turning Fukushima into a nuclear graveyard” — but “given the plant’s location on the coast, storing the waste there for millennia may be unrealistic.”

Here at home, I fundamentally disagree with the official mantra that California’s two nuclear power plants should keep operating while federal agencies conduct “studies” to determine whether those nukes are risky enough to warrant closure. Read more.

To help keep EON’s work going, please check out all the support options on our Donation Page or you can also send a check made out to EON to EON, POB 1047, Bolinas, CA

Nukes, CyberWar & Wireless 'Smart' Grids: A Deady Mix – EON Nuke Digest 6-24-11

Connecting The Dots (Duh!)
With cyberwarfare the new and coming thing, how ‘smart’ is it to create a nation-wide, easily hackable, wirelessly-managed power grid that includes both old and new nuclear plants?

Despite Fukushima fallout, and declaring the flooded Ft. Collins nuke a disaster, Mr. O continues to say that nuclear power should be revived in the U.S., as it provides “electricity without adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.” Would that have anything to do with his connection with Exelon Nuclear? Exelon generates (according to its website) “approximately 20% of the U.S. nuclear industry’s power capacity with 10 power plants and 17 reactors—located in Illinois.”

As Karl Grossman lays out in the radio interview below, Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s ex-Chief-of-Staff, now Chicago Mayor, helped put Exelon together in his old investment banker days.

In the following posts, Rachel Maddow, Mic Wright, Matthew Bunn, Michiu Kaku, Harvey Wasserman, Arnie Gunderson and others share information that points in one direction: a wireless nuclear power grid would equal stupidity squared.

Flood waters threaten Nebraska nuke plant – video
June 22: Rachel Maddow reports on the Fort Calhoun nuclear power station in Nebraska, which is threatened by the flooded Missouri River, and follows up on the latest news from the damaged Fukushima nuclear reactors in Japan.

Fukushima ‘still a ticking time bomb’ – Kaku on CNN – video

ROMANS [CNN HOST]: Then Fukushima. The disaster that won’t go away. Nobody is paying attention. But is the nuclear meltdown more dangerous than ever? […] Michio Kaku on the biggest industrial catastrophe in history. […]
KAKU: In the last two weeks, everything we knew about that accident has been turned upside down. We were told three partial melt downs, don’t worry about it. Now we know it was 100 percent core melt in all three reactors. Radiation minimal that was released. Now we know it was comparable to radiation at Chernobyl. […]
ROMANS: In your view, did they not know how bad it was or they knew and didn’t tell […]
KAKU: […] We knew it was much more severe than they were saying, because radiation was coming out left and right. So in other words, they lied to us. […]

What Happened to Media Coverage of Fukushima?
by Anne Landman
While the U.S. media has been occupied with Anthony Weiner, the Republican presidential candidates and Bristol Palin’s memoir, coverage of Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster has practially fallen off the map. Poor mainstream media coverage of Japan’s now months-long struggle to gain control over the Fukushima disaster has deprived Americans of crucial information about the risks of nuclear power following natural disasters….[ Great summary update. Read more. ]

Nuclearism as Pathology
Arnie Gunderson, Harvey Wasserman and Karl Grossman – on KPFA’s ‘Living Room’ with Chris Welch

Living Room – June 24, 2011 at 12:00pm

Click to listen (or download)

Michio Kaku’s Update on Fukushima
It has been over 3 months after the tragic accident in Fukushima, Japan, and a flood of new information has been coming out…

Project Flood 2011 and tornados meet two nuclear stations
Two United States nuclear power plants are on alert and President Obama has declared emergencies in Nebraska’s counties where both nuclear stations are experiencing “unusual events.” The official emergency declarations apply to both counties where the nuclear facilities are threatened with flood waters. Red Cross closed its emergency shelter at Fort Calhoun, home of one of the nuclear facilities, and is now referring and transitioning evacuees to other shelters. Red Cross is due to assess Fort Calhoun when conditions permit.
“Massive flooding along the Missouri River has put Nebraska’s two nuclear plants, both near Omaha, on alert,” reported Amy Goodman for The Guardian on Wednesday.

Obama declared an emergency in Nebraska and ordered federal aid to supplement state and local response efforts in the area affected by flooding. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is now authorized to coordinate disaster relief efforts and provide assistance in the counties included in the declaration.

Nuclear Terrorism Can Cause Another Fukushima: Expert
Global action to protect the nuclear industry against possible terrorist attacks is urgently needed, a leading expert said, as are safety steps to prevent any repeat of Japan’s Fukushima accident.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) fact-finding team leader Mike Weightman examines Reactor Unit 3 at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant May 27, 2011. (Credit: Reuters/IAEA/Handout) “Both al Qaeda and Chechen terrorist groups have repeatedly considered sabotaging nuclear reactors — and Fukushima provided a compelling example of the scale of terror such an attack might cause,” Matthew Bunn of Harvard University said.

Some countries had “extraordinarily weak security measures in place,” he said in an Internet blog posted this week, without naming them.

Your gas meter: The new frontline in cyberwar
By Mic Wright
By the end of 2020, the government wants every home in the UK to be fitted with a smart meter. The device, as part of a networked system of localised power distribution, allows consumers to control their consumption and — more contentiously — also lets utilities companies monitor real-time usage. The

The £8 billion scheme is being sold as a way for the average household to cut its energy bills by an estimated £28 per year.

But could such a banal technology in fact be fraught with danger? In July 2009 — five months before the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) announced the initiative — security firm IOActive demonstrated a worm that could rapidly spread through a smart-grid network, disabling meters as it went. The experiment proved what many cybersecurity experts already knew: hackers distributing the right malware could shut down the network. Britain would go dark.

“Before, to destroy a meter, you had to take a sledgehammer to it,” explains John Bumgarner, research director for security technology at think tank the US Cyber Consequences Unit. “That worm could destroy 300,000 [smart meters] in one go. The smart grid is going to be a major target for hackers.”

Japan’s nuclear power plant crisis: Some context
Posted on March 14, 2011 by Power & Policy
By Matthew Bunn
Harvard Kennedy School Associate Professor Matthew Bunn, whose research topics includes nuclear proliferation risks, the future of nuclear energy and its fuel cycle, and policies to promote innovation in energy technologies, offered these observations early Monday on the earthquake-damaged nuclear power plants in Japan.

Cheap natural gas looms over new US nuclear project
* Cheap natural gas seen as a roadblock to nuclear growth
* Regulatory risk also seen after Fukushima-S&P analyst
* “Ledge that nuclear is operating on is not that wide”
* All eyes on whether first two plants are on budget
By Roberta Rampton
WASHINGTON, June 21 (Reuters) – Japan’s ruined Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant may slow the expansion of the U.S. nuclear industry, but cheap and abundant supplies of natural
gas are a far bigger roadblock to financing new reactors, a Wall Street panel said on Tuesday.

Financiers and investors are watching to see how much U.S. nuclear plant costs are raised after a U.S. regulatory review of the Japanese disaster, one of several challenges to nuclear growth described at a conference of utilities, manufacturers and suppliers in Washington.

“On top of that speed bump, you have the tire-slashing metal spikes of gas,” said Richard Cortright, a managing director in Standard & Poor’s utilities ratings group, referring to cheap domestic natural gas, an attractive power source for a new generation of electrical plants.

“I think that unless you have self-inflatable tires, it’s going to be a little while before nuclear gets back on the radar screen,” Cortright said.

Some French Conservatives Questioning Nuclear Power
One Suggests France Could Become a Renewable Energy Powerhouse
June 20, 2011
By Paul Gipe
The solid block of support for nuclear power among French elites is showing signs of strain.

In an unusual development, Parisian newspaper Liberation published two side-by-side articles about French political figures on the right who question nuclear power in the wake of the Italian referendum on new nuclear plants.

Nuclear Energy, the U.S. Remains Committed to Its Expansion
Despite calls to shutter the U.S. nuclear program, President Obama remains steadfast in his support of the industry, despite his stated position opposing it before he was elected

Dear EarthTalk: Radioactive rain recently fell in Massachusetts, likely due to Japan’s nuclear mess. Given the threats of radiation, wouldn’t it be madness now to continue with nuclear power? How can President Obama include nukes as part of a “clean energy” agenda?—Bill Mason, Hartford, Conn….

…According to investigative journalist Karl Grossman, Obama changed his tune on nuclear as soon as he took office, “talking about ‘safe, clean nuclear power’ and push[ing] for multi-billion dollar taxpayer subsidies for the construction of new nuclear plants.” Right away, Grossman says, Obama brought in nuclear advocate Steven Chu as energy secretary, and two White House aides that had been “deeply involved with…the utility operating more nuclear power plants than any other in the U.S., Exelon.”

Undeterred by the Japanese nuclear disaster, Obama pledged just two weeks following the initial explosions at the Fukushima Dai-ichi facility that nuclear power should be revived in the U.S., as it provides “electricity without adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.”

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Ooo, That Smarts! – EMF Radiation Risk Awareness Grows – Update 6-22-11

Wireless Meter Fight Links to More Insight About RF Issues
The attempt to mass deploy wireless, so-called ‘smart,’ or AMI (automated metering infrastructure) gas, water and electric meters without adequate research and testing may turn out to be one of the dumbest – and most costly – policy and management decisions ever made.

Right up there with with the deployment of nuclear weapons and nuclear power technologies, agricultural chemicals and genetically modified foods and fossil fuels.

Both above mentioned forms of biologically unfriendly radiation pollution (nuclear – ionizing, and EMF/RF – non-ionizing, have already contaminated the planetary environment billions of times beyond the biologically friendly levels in which our cells and DNA evolved. Which is why we cover both issues in this blog.

Not to mention that the synergistic effects of these forms of man-made radiation – in combination with chemical pollution – on the DNA and heavy metals within our bodies and on other biological systems is not known.

Informed public resistance to the wireless meters and Fukushima-awakened anti-nuclear sentiment is leading to heightened public awareness and alarm about other related electromagnetic radiation impacts from cell phones, wireless antennas and dirty electricity to directed energy weaponry and weather modification warfare.

Its not a pretty picture. and people in related issue campaigns are beginning to get it – to the consternation of the telecom-IT-nuclear-military-industrial-PR complex.

Once people concerned about the health effects, public safety, personal privacy and security risks of cell phones unite with those working on antenna proliferation, weather modification and wireless meter deployment, as well as with other radiation and chemical pollution issue, a formidable political and economic constituency will have formed.

As the posts in this update addition suggest, that confluence of movements is beginning to happen.
Jim Heddle and Mary Beth Brangan, Editors

[ Poster by Kathy Boake
For a PDF download of the poster click here. ]

From EMR Policy Institute’ Janet Newton:
President Obama: Don’t Waste Billions of Taxpayer Dollars on Your Risky WIRELESS Broadband Initiative and Wireless Smart Meter Stimulus Grants.
For more details click here.

Eds. note:
You might take a moment and let the President and your legislators know that you oppose the WIRELESS Broadband Initiative and the WIRELESS Smart Meter Stimulus Grants for the reasons itemized by Janet Newton in the post above.
Comments: 202-456-1111
or locate contact info for all elected officials at

The Flaw in Obama’s Wireless Plan – Bloomberg
The President hopes an increase in Internet access will result in more economic development. Fiber networks would do that better than mobile broadband

IARC: Cell Phone Radiation Is a Possible Human Carcinogen
It’s not easy to reach unanimous agreement on anything to do with cell phone radiation. And when it comes to cell phones and cancer, forget about it. But the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) nearly pulled it off. On Tuesday, May 31, more than two dozen scientists and doctors from 14 countries —a group IARC Director Christopher Wild called “the world’s leading experts”— issued a joint statement that cell phone and other types of radiofrequency (RF) and microwave radiation might cause cancer.

Mobile phones and head tumours. The discrepancies in cause-effect relationships in the epidemiological studies – how do they arise?
Angelo G Levis, Nadia Minicuci, Paolo Ricci, Valerio Gennaro and Spiridione Garbisa
Environmental Health 2011, 10:59 doi:10.1186/1476-069X-10-59
Published: 17 June 2011
Abstract (provisional)
Whether or not there is a relationship between use of mobile phones (analogue and digital cellulars, and cordless) and head tumour risk (brain tumours, acoustic neuromas, and salivary gland tumours) is still a matter of debate; progress requires a critical analysis of the methodological elements necessary for an impartial evaluation of contradictory studies.
A close examination of the protocols and results from all case-control and cohort studies, pooled- and meta-analyses on head tumour risk for mobile phone users was carried out, and for each study the elements necessary for evaluating its reliability were identified. In addition, new meta-analyses of the literature data were undertaken. These were limited to subjects with mobile phone latency time compatible with the progression of the examined tumours, and with analysis of the laterality of head tumour localisation corresponding to the habitual laterality of mobile phone use.
Blind protocols, free from errors, bias, and financial conditioning factors, give positive results that reveal a cause-effect relationship between long-term mobile phone use or latency and statistically significant increase of ipsilateral head tumour risk, with biological plausibility. Non-blind protocols, which instead are affected by errors, bias, and financial conditioning factors, give negative results with systematic underestimate of such risk. However, also in these studies a statistically significant increase in risk of ipsilateral head tumours is quite common after more than 10 years of mobile phone use or latency. The meta-analyses , our included, examining only data on ipsilateral tumours in subjects using mobile phones since or for at least 10 years, show large and statistically significant increases in risk of ipsilateral brain gliomas and acoustic neuromas.
our analysis of the literature studies and of the results from meta-analyses of the significant data alone shows an almost doubling of the risk of head tumours induced by long-term mobile phone use or latency.
Read more.
The complete article is available as a provisional PDF. The fully formatted PDF and HTML versions are in production.

Is Apple Launching a Pre-emptive Strike Against Free Speech?
So you think you control your smartphone? Think again.
Late last week reports uncovered a plan by Apple, manufacturer of the iPhone, to patent technology that can detect when people are using their phone cameras and shut them down.
Apple says this technology was intended to stop people from recording video at live concerts, which should worry the creative commons crowd. But a remote “kill switch” has far more sinister applications in the hands of repressive governments. And it further raises concerns about the power new media companies hold over our right to connect and communicate.

Imagine if Apple’s device had been available to the Mubarak regime earlier this year, and Egyptian security forces had deployed it around Tahrir Square to disable cameras just before they sent in their thugs to disperse the crowd.

Would the global outcry that helped drive Mubarak from office have occurred if a blackout of protest videos had prevented us from viewing the crackdown?

PG&E Says SmartMeters Are Coming to the Santa Cruz Area

Woman arrested for allegedly blocking SmartMeter installation
A Glen Park woman was arrested Saturday morning after she was sitting on a utility truck in protest of SmartMeter installation in the neighborhood, according to Joshua Hart, the director of activist group

Amy O’Hair was detained by police after obstructing the vehicle of a Wellington Energy worker, who was installing smart meters on behalf of PG&E. O’Hair was taken to a jail located at the Hall of Justice on Bryant Street, where protestors are planning to gather and demand her release.
Read more at the San Francisco Examiner.

SF Woman Arrested for Sitting on Smart Meter Truck
An activist protesting against the installation of ‘smart’ meters was arrested today for civil disobedience. Amy O’Hair was arrested at Monterey and Edna in the Sunnyside neighborhood of San Francisco at 9.30 on Saturday 18 June 2011.
She sat on the hood of a smart meter installation truck to prevent installation of smart meters and refused to move. The police were called and arrested her. It was early in the morning, and few people were around, but a bystander waiting at a bus stop gave support. Amy was taken to 425 Seventh Street (Bryant Police station) to be cited.
For more information see:

Why I Got Arrested By Amy O’Hair
A personal statement about my arrest for non-violent civil disobedience, 18 June 2011
Why would someone do this, get themselves arrested by police over an issue like “smart”

Simply put, I will say: it’s not about my arrest, it’s about my neighborhood—a place
filled with diverse people, many of whom came to the US to find freedom, rights, and
opportunities they could never have in the places they came from.

Capitola Smart Meter Arrest
Josh Hart, director of Stop Smart Meters! was arrested on June 21st 2011 for blocking the entrance to the PG&E payment center in Capitola, CA. PG&E has stated that they will force ‘smart’ meters onto Santa Cruz County against the laws adopted by local governments. The Public is expected to resist.

Cell phones and SmartMeters – SF Chron
If you’ve checked the top of SFGate today, you will have seen a story about the World Health Organization reclassifying cell-phone radiation as a “possible carcinogen.”
To opponents of Pacific Gas and Electric Co.’s SmartMeters, this is very big news.
Read more.

PG&E was warned long ago of record-keeping woes
Jaxon Van Derbeken, Chronicle Staff Writer
Pacific Gas and Electric Co. was told by a record-keeping manager nearly two decades ago that the company was losing track of documentation for its gas-transmission system and was courting public embarrassment, newly released internal memos show. Read more.

Smart Meter Fire in Florida – Video report
After a Smart Meter was installed in this Florida woman’s home she said the meter “caught fire and fried my beautiful new kitchen” – over $31,000 in damages to many of her home appliances.
The power company refuses to take the blame.

Your gas meter: The new frontline in cyberwar
By the end of 2020, the government wants every home in the UK to be fitted with a smart meter. The device, as part of a networked system of localised power distribution, allows consumers to control their consumption and — more contentiously — also lets utilities companies monitor real-time usage. The

The £8 billion scheme is being sold as a way for the average household to cut its energy bills by an estimated £28 per year.

But could such a banal technology in fact be fraught with danger? In July 2009 — five months before the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) announced the initiative — security firm IOActive demonstrated a worm that could rapidly spread through a smart-grid network, disabling meters as it went. The experiment proved what many cybersecurity experts already knew: hackers distributing the right malware could shut down the network. Britain would go dark.

“Before, to destroy a meter, you had to take a sledgehammer to it,” explains John Bumgarner, research director for security technology at think tank the US Cyber Consequences Unit. “That worm could destroy 300,000 [smart meters] in one go. The smart grid is going to be a major target for hackers.”

,,,In March 2007 an industrial generator at the US Department of Energy’s National Laboratory in Idaho began to malfunction. First, it shuddered violently; then steam appeared, before vapour billowed from the valves. Within seconds, the machine was hidden by smoke. From outside, the building appeared to be on fire.

This event appeared to be nothing more than a mechanical failure. In fact it was a deliberate attack by the US Department of Homeland Security and its National Cyber Security Division on one of its own facilities, the first demonstration of Project Aurora, a government programme aimed at establishing the potential of cyberattacks to undermine critical infrastructure such as nuclear plants, chemical-treatment centres and water-filtration plants.

The experiment took place in a controlled environment, using a generator unconnected to any national power grid. But it showed that real-world infrastructure can be remotely disabled or even destroyed with only malicious code.

Face to Face with Smart Meters – Resistance in British Columbia

“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate,
set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So
there are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they
can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to
intensify our efforts, and that’s why this is so important.”
—Former Defense Secretary William S. Cohen
DoD News Briefing,Monday, April 28, 1997

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Weather control

Weather warfare
US laws regarding weather modification

This CBC News report on weather modification was originally broadcast in 1996:
HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather controlPart 1

HAARP CBC Broadcast Weather control Part 2

Want to know about HAARP , VLF, UHF and weather modification?
Want to prove it to a non-believer? Here you go!
For anyone still “on the fence” about weather modification / manipulation :
all links below should satisfy MOST questions: save the pdf’s before they’re gone for good from the net!

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After Fukushima, What? – EON Nuke Digest 6-21-11

Is the ‘Nuclear Renaissance’ DOA?
Too soon to tell. But, as today’s stories show, there are signs that – despite subsidies, liability caps, loan guarantees, friends in high places and deep pockets for PR – the nuclear industry is at least on the ropes.

Fukushima report shows nuclear power can never be safe and cheap Damian Carrington – Guardian UK
The first “independent” review of the safety failures during Japan’s nuclear disaster reveals some chillingly obvious “lessons” to be learned
…I used quote marks on the word “independent” because the report comes from the International Atomic Energy Association (pdf) (IAEA) which, while independent of Japan, is far from independent from the nuclear industry it was founded to promote. But this conflict of interest only makes the findings of the IEAE’s experts more startling….
So let’s take a look at some of the 15 conclusions and 16 lessons (I’ve edited a bit for brevity)….Read more

Midwest Floods: Both Nebraska Nuke Stations Threatened
By Rady Ananda

June 20 UPDATE: On June 17, the NRC published another Event Report by Fort Calhoun. A hole in the floor (caused by what?) has led to flooding, threatening the pumps. “Flooding through this penetration could have impacted the ability of the station’s Raw Water pumps to perform their design accident mitigation functions.”

About 5 million* acres in the US corn belt have flooded, which will spike the cost of gas and food over the next several months. Worse, several nuclear power plants sit in the flooded plains. Both nuclear plants in Nebraska are partly submerged and the FAA has issued a no-fly order over both of them.

On June 7, the Fort Calhoun Nuclear Power Plant filed an Alert with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission after a fire broke out in the switchgear room. During the event, “spent fuel pool cooling was lost” when two fuel pumps failed for about 90 minutes.

NPPD: Nuke Plant Could Be Shut Down “In Three Seconds”, Critics Still Worry
By Joe Jordan on June 21, 2011
Despite ongoing and growing flood worries don’t tell the folks who run a Nebraska nuclear power plant, which is designed similar to the wrecked reactor in Japan, that the facility 70 miles from Lincoln and Omaha is an accident waiting to happen.

Rising water, falling journalism
By Dawn Stover | Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

… Failure of the fourth estate. Newspapers and websites all over the country have reported on the flooding and fire at Fort Calhoun, but most articles simply paraphrase and regurgitate information from the NRC and OPPD press releases, which aggregators and bloggers then, in turn, simply cut and paste. Even the Omaha World-Herald didn’t send local reporters to cover the story; instead, the newspaper published an article on the recent fire written by Associated Press reporters — based in Atlanta and Washington.

Scrambling for reactor manual, borrowing equipment: Report shows Japan nuke plant unprepared
AP/Wash Post
TOKYO — A new report says Japan’s tsunami-ravaged nuclear plant was so unprepared for the disaster that workers had to bring protective gear and an emergency manual from distant buildings and borrow equipment from a contractor.

The report, released Saturday by plant operator Tokyo Electric Power Co., is based on interviews of workers and plant data. It portrays chaos amid the desperate and ultimately unsuccessful battle to protect the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant from meltdown, and shows that workers struggled with unfamiliar equipment and fear of radiation exposure.

Report: Tritium Leaks Found at 3/4 of US Nuclear Sites
by Jeff Donn
BRACEVILLE, Ill. – Radioactive tritium has leaked from three-quarters of U.S. commercial nuclear power sites, often into groundwater from corroded, buried piping, an Associated Press investigation shows.

Burying Our Heads in Radioactive Sand
Leslie Savan
Japan is the most nuke-fearing country in the world—Hiroshima and Nagasaki saw to that, and Godzilla is one way they’ve taught their children to never forget. The Japanese take such care in making their skyscrapers, bridges and tunnels earthquake-proof that most of us assumed they’d go even further to protect their nuclear reactors… until those cores started melting down like knots on a fuse after Friday’s tsunami.

So if nuclear meltdowns, partial or full, could happen there, they could happen anywhere, and all those pictures of cars and buildings bobbing in ink-black water like disaster-movie props carry a very immediate sense of warning. They’re a reminder of just how fragile the whole world is—and how brittle are the mental containment systems we use to assure ourselves that whatever we’re doing in the name of our way of life is safe, sane and right.

…Has any of this dampened the right’s enthusiasm for American exceptionalism, for “creating our own reality” as the biggest empire on the block? Not really. Some truths turned out to be inoperative—like, for example, that housing prices would always go up, or that we’d face a “mushroom cloud” if we didn’t send an army against Saddam. That a radioactive cloud is more likely to drift our way on prevailing air currents from nuclear reactors that we designed ourselves (GE designed six and built three of Fukushima’s disintegrating reactors) is so mind-boggling that it’s best dismissed as part of the left’s “agenda.” Which is what Glenn Beck did Monday, insisting that (perfectly rational) talk about Japan’s nuclear disaster is being fomented by none other than George Soros and the Tides Foundation.

Cold Comfort at Senate Nuclear Safety Hearing
George Zornick
…Commissioners also had no answers about how to fix backup power systems that continue to cool nuclear material in the event of a major power outage. The batteries at Fukushima ran for only eight hours—not nearly long enough. In the United States, the standard length is only four hours. “This is something we have to look into and take action on,” said commissioner George Apostolakis. “I’m not sure what that action would be.”

Amidst these less-than-inspiring answers, the NRC commissioners tried to downplay the possibility of similar events happening here anyhow. “The likelihood of something like this happening in the United States is very, very small,” said Jaczko. Senator Barbara Boxer, who chairs the committee, asked commissioner William Magwood to list four or five areas of concern following Fukushima, and he couldn’t provide any. He responded instead that “you can’t predict events that will happen in the future. You have to be able to recover from whatever happens.”

Fukushima and the Mass Media Meltdown:
The Repercussions of a Pro-Nuclear Corporate Press

keith harmon snow 19 June 2011

A sociological and technological discussion — in the wake of the out-of-control nuclear apocalypse in Japan — addressing the compromise of public health and security created by the failure of the western corporate mass media to equitably report on, mildly investigate, or even moderately challenge the nuclear power industry.

Author’s note, 19 June 2011:
The following report was written after learning about the pro-nuclear and corporate bias of the Society of Environmental Journalists. It was originally published by VOICE NEWS, Winstead CT, in 2001 and was originally titled “The Potential Repercussions of a Pro-Nuclear Press.” I have made a few minor changes, added hyperlinks, and inserted a few comments in [brackets]….

US Nuke Regulators Weaken Safety Rules
by Jeff Donn
NEW JERSEY – Federal regulators have been working closely with the nuclear power industry to keep the nation’s aging reactors operating within safety standards by repeatedly weakening those standards, or simply failing to enforce them, an investigation by The Associated Press has found.

Fukushima Workers Had to Bring Their Own Protective Gear

by Mari Yamaguchi
TOKYO — A new report says Japan’s tsunami-ravaged nuclear plant was so unprepared for the disaster that workers had to bring protective gear and an emergency manual from distant buildings and borrow equipment from a contractor.

Nuclear Crisis in Japan – NIRS – Nuclear Information and Resource Service
UPDATE, Friday, June 17, 2011. There have been increasing reports of radioactive “hotspots” being found around Japan, especially in the area outside but near the evacuation zone of course, but also quite far away. For example, the Wall Street Journal reported today on a hotspot found in Chiba Prefecture 120 miles from Fukushima Daiichi and not too far from Tokyo. There have been reports of elevated readings in Tokyo itself, and across northern Japan.

From Hiroshima to Fukushima
Jonathan Schell
… Some have suggested that in light of the new developments we should abandon nuclear power. I have a different proposal, perhaps more in keeping with the peculiar nature of the peril. Let us pause and study the matter. For how long? Plutonium, a component of nuclear waste, has a half-life of 24,000 years, meaning that half of it is transformed into other elements through radioactive decay. This suggests a time-scale. We will not be precipitous if we study the matter for only half of that half-life, 12,000 years. In the interval, we can make a search for safe new energy sources, among other useful endeavors. Then perhaps we’ll be wise enough to make good use of the split atom.


“The disaster in Fukushima is not only a disaster for Japan. It is a global disaster. We come together now across cultural boundaries, political and generational boundaries, to call for changes in the way we use energy, and in the ways we conduct the search for solutions to the problems facing humanity,” says Jackson Browne. “We join with the people of Japan, and people everywhere who believe in a non-nuclear future.”

The Nuclear Endgame Begins in Germany
by R. Andreas Kraemer
Germany may well be regarded as the nation where the endgame of nuclear power began. The conservative and pro-business German government proposed a law to switch off all nuclear power plants by the end of 2022. Polls indicate that 85 percent of Germans want nuclear power to be phased out within a decade. A clear technical and economic vision of a clean energy future, and a renewed determination for rational energy policies, fuel this demand.

The End of Nuclear
New Worldwatch Institute Report, Timed in Conjunction with Chernobyl Anniversary, Shows Nuclear Industry Was in Decline Even Before Fukushima

Washington, D.C.—Even before the disaster in Fukushima, the world’s nuclear industry was in clear decline, according to a new report from the Worldwatch Institute. The report, which Worldwatch commissioned months before the Fukushima crisis began, paints a bleak picture of an aging industry unable to keep pace with its renewable energy competitors.

To download a free copy of this report, click here.

The Big Fukushima Lie Flies High
by Karl Grossman
The global nuclear industry and its allies in government are making a desperate effort to cover up the consequences of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. “The big lie flies high,” comments Kevin Kamps of the organization Beyond Nuclear.

Not only is this nuclear establishment seeking to make it look like the Fukushima catastrophe has not happened ­going so far as to claim that there will be “no health effects” as a result of it­ but it is moving forward on a “nuclear renaissance,” its scheme to build more nuclear plants.

Indeed, next week in Washington, a two-day “Special Summit on New Nuclear Energy” will be held involving major manufacturers of nuclear power plants including General Electric, the manufacturer of the Fukushima plants­and U.S. government officials….

Are We on the Brink of Burying Nuke Power Forever?
by Harvey Wasserman
This may be the moment history has turned definitively against atomic energy.

To be sure: we are still required to fight hard to bury reactor loan guarantees in the United States. There are parallel struggles in China, Indian, England, France and South Korea.

The great fear is that until every single reactor on this planet is shut, none of us is really safe from another radioactive horror show.

Thus the moment is clearly marked at Fukushima by three reactors and a radioactive fuel pool still untamed after three months, with the horrific potential to do far more apocalyptic damage than we’ve seen even to date.

A Dimming Nuclear Future
By LOUISE LOFTUS Published: June 14, 2011
PARIS — Three months after Japan’s worst earthquake of modern times, a total meltdown at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor appears to have been averted. Whether the same can be said of the nuclear industry remains to be seen.

TEPCO And TBS Cam Show Vapor Geysers June 18

Controversy over Vermont Yankee Nuclear Plant

The geysers can be seen best after 4:15 but can be seen as early as 3:30 cresting about the clouds moving inbetween the plant and the cam…

Vermont Yankee – Bernie Sanders

Has US Ordered News Blackout Over Crippled Nebraska Nuclear Plant?

New NASA Research Points To Possible HAARP Connection In Japan Earthquake, Tsunami
Recent data released by Dimitar Ouzounov and colleagues from the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland highlights some strange atmospheric anomalies over Japan just days before the massive earthquake and tsunami struck on March 11.

Seemingly inexplicable and rapid heating of the ionosphere directly above the epicenter reached a maximum only three days prior to the quake, according to satellite observations, suggesting that directed energy emitted from transmitters used in the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) may have been responsible for inducing the quake.

Published in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) publication Technology Review,
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